where we at with the saying "where we at" more often because it's funny.

3  2016-07-25 by cuntcumia

in my opinion it's not said enough anymore.



I used to just dip my toes in, ya know for a little taste, just a little taste, but now I'm ALL IN with "where we at".

I'm HOWLING over here!


You sound like.... Ya know.... A JEEEEEEEEEHHH... Can I say that? CAN WE SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE?!?!

it's a wild show...

ME: I only use it when I dont have an educated opinion on something and want to just agree to yours.

Where we at with the where we at? We're at where we at!


i am trying to get tssing peckazonz going, so wacky u be tssing here im tssing here!!!