Where does Joseph Cumia get off acting like he isn't worthless

57  2016-07-25 by FunkyTreasure

The man contributes nothing to society.


typical Libyan


Raging insecurity. He is 100% aware he is absolutely fucking worthless but he refuses to admit it and thinks he can fool people that he is actually worth a shit, but anyone with half a brain quickly realizes he clearly isnt. We all know someone like this, and we can all agree that our existence would be much better if they drank Clorox.

I actually disagree completely. I think he and Anthony are both total narcissists. At least Anthony, at some point in his career, had some justification. I think Joe sees himself as Anthony's equal and legitimately believes he has contributed something meaningful to this earth.

I thought you were talking about me.


Growing up on a yak farm gave him a false sense of pride

He really is an awful man. What with the leeching money off his marginally less retarded brother to paying neighborhood kids to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons.

All that borrowed money went to his head and now he feels like he deserved it.

In a long, rambling (facebook?) post, Joe wrote about their "one of us makes it, he gets to sponge off the other" deal. He framed it like it was a long-term investment, and he kind of humble-bragged that it took a long time to see dividends from that pact. I'm pretty sure he actually used the word "dividends".

So if nothing else, Joe's a patient leech, and we're supposed to applaud, or at the very least, respect that.

His attitude was like he was making some sort of sacrifice by waiting to see if Anthony would make something of himself, as if he could have "backed" another horse, but he said "No! I'm gonna leech off Anthony, or I'm not gonna leech off nobody!", and that that took guts, somehow.

Actually, wasn't he on Dawn's couch for a while? So I guess he did diversify his leech portfolio.

What a pitiful human being he is.

The best part of Anthony's fall from...........less disgrace is that when it comes time to tighten the ol' belt, Brother Joe's monthly allowance has got to be one of the first things on the chopping block.

considering cumia's upbringing they both "made it", and by made it I mean neither spent years in federal prison, although it's not over yet.

I've noticed that a lot of people who make blanket complaints (like the Cumia's and contributing to society) are just as guilty of it as much as the people they criticize. It's like someone who inherited their money and success telling you about hard work. In their minds they are they outlier and impossible to put into a group.

I'm sorry, you must be new here.

It's a combination of projection and reaction formation, which are very common defense mechanisms amongst those who are opinionated, yet insecure.

I don't see how Anthony can still support him but I also don't know where Joe would get any source of income.

That's just not true. He brings the music of U2 to poor drunks who can't afford to see the real band in all their shittiness. If that's not doing God's work, I don't know what is.

Is there a fat man in a Lane Bryant blouse running around singing? Cause it seems like the attention pendulum is swinging back towards Joe Cumia.

oh yuck! If you donated to this, kill yourself.


Yes he does.Who else will wear those faggot shirts & hoodies?

The fact that he has a dot com website dedicated to himself is infuriating. He's a celeb family member worthless nobody with an inflated ego.


We are not here to insult The Great Ice-T.

Ice Cuuu!


Joe is pretty much on Welfare and food stamps, its just the checks has Roslyn Heights return address on them instead of the governments. But yeah, he will never admit he isnt the bootstrappy independent freedom fighter he claims to be.

Lol at this post

I'm sorry, you must be new here.

It's a combination of projection and reaction formation, which are very common defense mechanisms amongst those who are opinionated, yet insecure.