Where we at with the DNC leaks?

0  2016-07-24 by [deleted]



Jim: I don't really know about it, but I hear it's rough man

Opie: let's go to the callers

Caller:yea so the DNC email leak is all those deleted Bengazi emails from Hillary Clinton's secret web browser

Opie:jeez that's good news for the Donald

Jim:yea, it's a rough one for Hillary man, I don't know..

Opie: I mean, Hillary should be held accountable for her emails to Benghazi

Jim:yea, I heard some guys at the cellar talking, yknow...

Opie:we really broke this down. No other radio show has this take. Now, where we at with the Ghostbusters?


everything opie says should cut off whatever the person b4 him is saying

somebody should call a plumber or sumpfin tss

photoshopped. Fake and gay

I just wanna know who's drivin' a black Mitsubishi.

Lizards don't send emails. Fake.