<--Number of kids Joe Cumia has paid to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons with Anthony's money

519  2016-07-24 by iWhereSchortSchorts


I would delete this thread immediately, otherwise you run the risk of an overweight 60 year old Sons of Anarchy cosplayer showing up at your house ready to beat you up.

SAMCRO JOE doesn't fuck around. He's got people in the FBI looking into your comment right now

Female Body Inspectors?

No, no, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I'm pretty sure the Female Body Inspectors have more important stuff on their plate than dealing with this silliness...


I remember people actually buying and wearing them!

I remember the Full Blooded Italian windbreakers at the Jersey Shore.

He backtraced it. Consequences will never be the same!

Joe Cumia got help from local gang affiliate "T-REX" who at only 15 years old knows all the keyboard shortcuts in netscape and can change the desktop background to the samcro logo. Joe was so impressed he spit in his mouth instead of the other way around[1]

1: joke based on local redditor GRIZx, copyright jokeaholic productions Harlem NY

You mean opie's father Piney


Why run the risk when you can swimwalk the risk?! Tssss...

It really would be a treat if we could bait Joe Cumia to start posting here again.

Hillary Clinton will be such an amazing president. She's gonna crack down on all those crooked cops who hassle innocent black people...

Clinton's not building walls, she's building bridges. I'm hoping for open borders myself.

White men have had it too easy for too long, time to redistribute both wealth and power...

I really hope that Obama figures out a way to get another term. He's led the nation with such dignity and class. We've had enough white presidents, we don't need any more. Every black family in America deserves a stipend for the systemic racism they face on a daily basis.

A bridge too far (into our heart)

Bernie was more than a pipe dream

I'm sure tranthiny threatened to cut off his welfare if he kept posting.


I really don't think it's quite that high. Maybe 3-5 upvotes oughtta do it realistically


Anything less than 500,000 isn't realistic. He has a lot of free time.

The comment you're replying to is a lot funnier than yours. Often the best humor has a little subtlety to it. You deserve your downvotes.

Oh shit he just civilian'd you, nigga.

So harsh

your 40 hundred billion percent right buddy!!!!

Got a point there. I forgot his days consist of firing off rambling nonsensical political missives on twitter for 6 hours followed by nudie magazine time and waiting outside for the postman who delivers the checks

If your gonna pull this corny shit at least come up with your own jokes.

Eh, the "Joe Cumia pays kids to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons" joke is never going to get old imho.

I wrote that joke over a year ago, but I'm not a karma whore begging for upvotes. Frankly I'm surprised this sub fell for corny upvote tactics like these.

This is a stupid message board not Amy Schumer level thievery. Relax.

Come on man, it's not like we're on a subreddit dedicated to a dead radio show. This is very serious.

It's true that self-posts get karma these days, so I guess your point about OP pandering holds. But at the end of the day, all this proves is that your joke was really fucking funny and people here are still getting chuckles at it.

"Opie and Anthony fan Flea is mad that his joke wasn't up voted when he posted it a year ago"

You definitely didn't downvote my post
Yes I saw it
Basically I was saying you're being a baby about it

you're not even half the comic andy kindler is you gonorrhea infested vermin

I see /u/JoeCumiaSr has a new sockpuppet account.

I see you like dicks in your mouth and slapping your face.

Happy cake day, shitposter.

its just a part of the culture back home in Libya

163? That crosses a line. 140, 150 I could understand. But 163? This man is sick.

You don't want to lose the Panera gig with this economy.

Leave it alone.

I get the feeling that Ant and Joe spat in each others mouths before, for sexual reasons




this post is retarded and so are you

No, I don't need anyone to listen to me for attention, I want you to listen to me to better yourselves.

You are a welfare bum like cosplay cumia

You wish, you grasping at straws faggot.

Go scream cuck in a West Hollywood restroom, you born loser.

Oof... we know where to find you.

Regurgitating show jokes are doing even less favors for you than white knighting Joe Cumia.

I'm not white knighting for anyone you stupid asshurt projecting faggot, white knighting for all the cocksucking liberal faggots of this sub; say, why don't you try lying about me or my comment history some more, you asshurt faggot without one meritorious point to make?

Go ahead, spend another 30 minutes looking for a post I made weeks ago in another sub, one that really offends your frail faggot sensibilities, then come here and make an ass of yourself trying to draw a conclusion from it, because you literally are too fucking retarded to respond to what I say here.

e: /u/faggotbannedkeith downvote and cry harder you pathetic faggot.

You should have have saved yourself some pain and bought a pair of rollerblades instead of getting that proudboy tramp stamp, cum gargler.


You little trolling cunt.

At least get flair if you're going to believable.


No need to be so coarse, now.

So harsh

your 40 hundred billion percent right buddy!!!!

White men have had it too easy for too long, time to redistribute both wealth and power...

Oh shit he just civilian'd you, nigga.

A bridge too far (into our heart)

I remember the Full Blooded Italian windbreakers at the Jersey Shore.


this post is retarded and so are you