Nearly got catfished again fa la la la la

44  2016-07-24 by chrb13

Always on the look out fa la la la la

dangerous old predator la la la la

no such thing as too young on the la la la la


Knows every state's age of consent laws fa la la la la

Meets them there because it's a Mann Act to bring them across state lines la la

"to catch a predator" involved shady tactics, fa la la la la

Innocent till proven guilty, fa la la la la

Only formally admitted guilt because of legal things because I did it but I didn't actually beat my child bride fa la la la la

Even though I did, fa la la la la

Said he'd fuck 13 year olds when he was 50 fa la la la He disgusted everyone on the radio la la la la Patrice wanted to execute him la la la la A single pubic hair like a pine needle la la la la Only time Opie was right to end a show early la la la la

The beauty of yours is that if you actually sing it to the tune it's very close to the correct amount of syllables

It was actually 14 but same difference a fa la la la

No it was definitely 13 fa la la la

He probbly meant five in the la la la la

You're right my bad la la la

Patrice wanted to execute him? From what I remember Patrice was weird too and said it was hot when his girl talked about being 13? But Im not gonna go back and listen because I dont care

Patrice was only 14 when he died so that's not that weird...

On a bright sunny day, fa la la la la

Ant proved he was a Quay, fa la la la la

He had sex so lewd, fa la la la la

Only it was with a dude, fa la la la la

He was a boy named Sue, fa la la la la

Who earned his or her due, fa la la la la

She met D-list Stars, fa la la la la

Her best friend is named Mars, fa la la la la

She liked Ant's guns, fa la la la la

He liked his or her buns, fa la la la la

And I don't mean bread, fa la la la la

His masculinity is dead, fa la la la la

Objectively more work than the original

Ant loves she-males fa la la la la

Almost died doing rails on the la la la la

Fired at Sirius la la la la

Blew his money on a podcast la la la la la la la la

He likes groom pre-pubescents, both straight and gay

Go trolling on the net, in a race-cist kind of way

Any picture of an anorexic teen fools him fa la la la la

Wait what happened?

That's what I'm wondering.

Desperately lonely fa la la la la

Needs a new hobby fa la la la la

Should get off Twitter fa la la la la

A good candidate for chemical castration fa la la la la

Amazon wishlist fa la la la la

FBI most wanted list fa la la la la


No there's 4 la's, you faggot fa la la la la

No one is spared fa la la la la