My favourite comment thread on YouTube

17  2016-07-24 by chrb13


Joe never denied it either.

Why would he? It's true

That's really fucked up that Joe pays those children to do that.

Technically Ant is paying them.

PS If you're wondering why some of the comments are responding to Joe Cumia, it's because Joe posted "and I spit in your mother's cunt" and later deleted it.

Lol that's me! Me and brother Joe went back and forth for about a month, he asked me to debate him on his shitty show. I'm gonna have to check out my old hard drive to see if I screen grabbed any of the fights we had in his comments.

Big fan of your work. Please post anything you find btw. Joe Cumia always produces unintentional comedy gold when the retarded ape bashes on his keyboard.

Pan Pizza?

He's my personal pan pizza (cuz were best friends)

He's my personal pan face pizza, get it, he's a chink

Post any other treasures you find on that old hard drive.

There is always a reason it is your "old hard drive"

Where is she buried, cowboy? ;

I kept all my jocktober shit on my back up HD so if I died my family won't think I'm even a bigger piece of shit than I already am.

Post pictures of your cock

Good boy!

I wasn't judging you, I just wanted in on the child pornography you have on that old drive.

I'll say what I said in the youtube comments, this pizza is a good egg.

That's my dog /u/grizx


YAY! I made it in your favorite youtube comment thread!

Griz/PIZZA and some guy named Georgie Boy (with a GRRM avatar) had comments that made giving BroJoe a vid click worth it. Amazing shit.