Preach on Brother Joe! Enlighten us all!!

18  2016-07-24 by Mr702law


People that buy into politics like this are really really dumb. Just like the democrats pander garbage to minorities for votes, the republicans pander garbage to dumb hayseeds like him for votes.

"I mean Dems are pandering for votes.. but Cops are all good and infallible!"

the fuck are you talking about?

Dude cops pander for votes in copgress all the time, didn't you know?

Fucking mark doesn't realize that the Republican Party has done the same thing with poor, uneducated whites/Sicilians.

teh GoP trikked pore wites, gOP onlee apeels 2 pore wites

LOL I love seeing the liberal faggots' fan fiction take on politics; come on, tell us how you aren't voting next, or how you're done with politics perhaps? Or maybe you'll even support arguments for Hillary '16.

I know we like to have a little fun with each other on here but I genuinely hope you kill yourself soon.

Of course you do, since you're too stupid and asshurt to respond to what I say, and all you can resort to is violence; it must be painful to slowly but surely realize your entire ethos is founded on wanton faggotry, and that your side, liberal faggots, are unquestionably wrong across the board.


you use that word as if you think it makes you cool, just like a child.

LOL! Stop projecting. That isn't what my aim is.


further proving my point

LOL no it doesn't you dumb faggot; none of you fags here have any actual arguments to make.

Oh look, it's that gay guy.

In the r/opieandanthony I remember, the one I group up in, shitting on Joe Cumia would bring people together.

What the fuck does this even mean you brain damaged outpatient?

It means weepy fags like you will disrupt any situation with your inability to separate politics from anything.

I'm not weepy, nor a fag, and this sub can't separate it's lust for faggot liberal leftist politics from laughing at comedy; case in point, how you faggots slowly but surely turned on Anthony for not being a Jon Stewart type, i.e. an apolitical comedian right guys?

I'm not weepy, nor a fag,

I've got some bad news for you.

No you don't you dumb faggot.

Stop weeping faggot

The only ones weeping are all you asshurt, downvoting faggots here who can only call me a faggot in return, which is funny since I actually find faggots to be disgusting, and all of you here either masturbate to tranny porn or are nearly about to (i.e. you're full blown faggots, LOL!).

which is funny since I actually find faggots to be disgusting

There is nothing worse than a weeping self hating fag

No lie, this worthless loser u/libsarefaggots actually protests Nickelodeon shows for having gay characters, like some 90s soccer mom LOL

Its the oldest story in the book. The self hating weepy faggot tries to convince the world that he hates gays because he is disgusted by how much he loves black cock.

u/libsarefaggots = confirmed closet case who is triggered by video game descriptions:

That is a lie you stupid faggot, as one post in my comment history where I'm disgusted about it doesn't make me a protestor. Christ you have nothing but digging through my comments looking to be offended, and LOL that you're all for faggot propaganda being shown to children - not that shocking though, as fags are molested into creation, not born.

e: /u/faggotbannedkeith downvote and cry harder you pathetic faggot.

You white knight Joe Cumia and alt-right brigade on an O&A subreddit. That makes you lower than any faggot here or anywhere else.

hates fag is fag

Stunning logic from the autistic, actual fags of r/opieandanthony; let's take the hoods of Klansmen and find 100% black people next.

All you faggots here can do is call me a fag, which makes you a fag by your own rules, while in reality you all jerk off to tranny porn, worship a closeted gay, pretend he's straight like you, and laugh at all his closeted gay jokes, and then you support faggot liberal politicians too - LOL the mental gymnastics it requires to be you losers is Olympian, and then you all here somehow have the nerve to call anyone else a fag.

haha, excellent bait. you got quite a few.

Joe has a ton of free time to be a Facebook Philosopher since all his gig's have been cancelled

Insure. This is not the same word as ENSURE. The latter is something you drink, you old fucking man.

Is everything in this functioning retard's world about race or politics?


hey now

Such a fucking faggot I hate that man

And acting as if he's delivering a "sermon" when he's just repeating Fox News and Anthony cumia lines.

I love that Anthony is the smart Cumia brother, what the fuck does that say.

JC and the Sunday Morning Sermon.

This is beyond the pale.

I know we all like to make jokes about this bald idiot, but remember that this is a man so absolutely mentally ill that he thinks of himself as "the other guy from Opie and Anthony"

He actually Believes that if it were him that got the mic and not Anthony, he'd be Anthony. While Anthony has his flaws (no shit) he had 10x the talent Joe ever did.


What annoys me most is the way I know this tit is punching at the keys in triumph as he speaks truth to power. Shaking up the pussies. Everyday is his personal Altamont; he's at the vanguard of the culture war knifing hippies.

The funny thing is that's the same irl reaction of most of the people writing in r/politics....

But Joe, you're a minority too! You're like those black guys at republican conventions that wear suits and nod in agreement with whatever whitey is preaching at the podium. You're felon brother is likely on a terrorist watch list for crissakes...

The fatwa against Dani will be typed up any day now

Michelle Burton is sure to be one dumb whore.

he sure is pulling back the curtain on politics here

Joe Cumia is the real life version of that weird biker you trolled when you were like 14 and anonymous online.

Joe is that shamelessly biased comment you scroll past on every post. The kind who doesn't even try to evade buzzwords to make it look like his sentences have some substance. He just drops bombs of predictable political marketing lines. While reading his comments you can just skip ahead, because at every single point you are still like 5 steps ahead of wherever he is going.

Putting the edge in Fake The Edge.


He's a regular (gives) Oral Roberts

stupid, ugly, and humorlessly mean



I'm too exhausted from sunshine and beer to click 'see more'... did he get to a point and / or solve anything?

You're missing out. Hillary Clinton personally replied and they got into this huge debate but finally she conceded, apologized for her past behavior and vowed to become a more honest person. It was beautiful.


The word he was looking for was ensure. What a goddamn dunce.

I really fucking hate Joe....

teh GoP trikked pore wites, gOP onlee apeels 2 pore wites

LOL I love seeing the liberal faggots' fan fiction take on politics; come on, tell us how you aren't voting next, or how you're done with politics perhaps? Or maybe you'll even support arguments for Hillary '16.


you use that word as if you think it makes you cool, just like a child.