Sound off with your current, recent, or future vices

1  2016-07-24 by TheScarletR

I see comments related to drinking/quitting drinking, heroin, coke, etc. here occasionally. I smoke a lot of weed (dependent) to help anxiety and depression. I almost never drink and never really had an issue with other substances. Tried meth once and hated it.

EDIT: Forgot a couple nuggets. I've had stints of being "addicted" to acid and molly (two separate habits, didn't usually combine them) where I did them literally every weekend (most wouldn't call that addicted as I worked a full time job during the week) for about 2 months with each. I've never been addicted to nicotine.


My vice is that I am just an all around great guy and a swell fellow.

I see you're in recovery.

He's on Step One. The one where you realize you're a douchebag and self-refer as a great guy.

Cereal. I can name over 5 types

Also isn't cereal usually a depressed person food cause you're too lazy to cook? I don't see how it's something to be proud of.

How do you think you'd fare with 6 gay men fondling you?

İt'd probably come off rapey

What if I told you none of us-.. "them" have jerked off in weeks?

Damn dog you talking no wanks?

That's right! Just got a "proud boy" tattoo on my cock so the timing lined up wonderfully.

My old lead singer shot up in his dick once, haha wish I still had the pic of it swelling up

Could you describe it for us? This is radio gold brotha man

Uh well he called me very concerned asking if he should go to the hospital. I originally told him not to do it and the next text I got was the picture. He ended up being fine, a piece of shit but fine

Did he do it just for the novelty? Or was he expecting some kind of orgasm to go with euphoria?

Novelty, he was about to move to Alaska and kick. Basically did it for the story. You're a perceptive person

Well thank you, friend. The fact that he was about to quit makes it even crazier, could have done some serious damage to nerves or something. Imagine if he ruined his cock and then still quit haha

I'm a communist freedom fighter and I enjoy shooting civilians. Libertad Libertad Libertad!

Cuck, libtard libtard

dass what I call a bad habit tss fawk!

Where would we find an article on you? I'm always interested in Time Magazine's Most Gay

I used to write for a newspaper in Brantford, Ontario. I threw a chair at the editor for heavily editing my articles the day I quit. It's pretty legendary but I don't think it has been written about. I was kicked out of a barbecue party a year later in Waterloo for it... umm... what was the question again?


Visiting this sub.

I used to have a real problem with drinking, stopped a little over 3 years ago and my life has been peachy ever since.

I quit smoking pot 5 years ago because I didn't enjoy it anymore. But I replaced it with alcohol, which is too damn expensive and dangerous for every-day use, so I quit drinking 10 months ago. Aside from that, I never was all that into drugs.

I don't get it

You never do my dear.

Yes i do Knicks 😠

I guess I owe you an apology.

Nah, you're good. Carry on knicks

That sounds like a British comedy film from the 70s.

How is the sober life treating you?

It turns out I can enjoy life while sober - for years I didn't think that was possible. And I'm much more productive, but I also eat a lot more. It's been difficult moderating my diet.

I'm almost anorexic when I don't smoke pot. I'm sure that would change if I quit for any real stretch but when I don't smoke until like the late evening or something I usually won't think about food until I'm already high. I'm not so much afraid I won't enjoy life as I am afraid that I will be an uninsightful and non-introspective douche. Like my personality will revert back to the way it was before I started smoking in like 10th grade (I'm 23).

Edited for shitty wording

Try having a cocaine addiction my friend


I used to tell myself I smoked weed all day to combat anxiety and depression, but there's no real reason for it other than that being a sober schizophrenic is less bearable than a high one. I also smoke a lot of ciggies, but I should be vaping.

Are you really schizophrenic?


The funny ones are always insane. Do you ever get paranoid or delusional? Sorry if its a sensitive subject, im really interested in schizophrenia.

I don't mind, but you should read this first. I've absolutely been batshit insane on numerous occasions, but it comes in noticeable waves. Did you have any specific questions? Also, discussion of mental illness wouldn't be complete without MEEEE, MEEEEE, UGHHH I'M HUUUURTINGGG

Do you ever feel like you are being persecuted or the target of a conspiracy? If so are you able to rationalize these feelings away?

It depends where I'm at mentally. If I'm 100% psychotic, at the top of this "wave" I mentioned, then absolutely, I will think I'm at the tip of some government assassination plot, I'll be manically babbling nonsense anywhere I can, and generally panicking. Very physically active, but rationale is pretty abstract. However, at least so far, I just slowly change in and out of these states over the years, so at the bottom of the wave, psychosis isn't much of a problem at all.

How did diagnosis occur? Did you accept it straight away? Does knowing you are schizophrenic help mediate delusions? Im an inquisitive asshole.

I was diagnosed at the end of a stay in the psych ward during my second major psychotic episode, the stay was around a month and the doctor gave me a piece of paper with SCHIZOPHRENIA in big letters on it when I left. Accepting it wasn't really a problem, I'd been psychotic before, so I wasn't gonna be like "hey, let's wait a sec here, doc, this seems out of line". The shortened lifespan and other inconveniences really don't have as much of an impact if you already (mistakenly) thought you were going to be killed or whatever. As for the last question, it's hard to explain. If you're psychotic and having delusions, you aren't mediating or rationalizing properly. It's contradictory, being able to differentiate between reality and nonsense in your own brain is a privilege for non-psychotic people.

What's interesting, however, is that if you take a bunch of psychotic schizos and have them interact, they can usually recognize that the others are thinking crazy, but not themselves. Last time I was in, there was a lad who thought I was a staff member, really insistent and aggressive and not thinking properly, and I told him he was psychotic. "I'm not psychotic!" Yeah, me neither.

You are a fucking idiot for smoking weed.

Oh no!

Good point, I smoke it because I think it helps. It probably doesn't in the long run though, as I never felt depression or anxiety until I'd already smoked pot pretty regularly for 5 years.

The Opie Radio show.

We are all rooting for you, sir.

I don't drink or gamble. I do everything else.

You blow dudes aswell?


Can confirm.


Could you be more specific?

Uppers, downers, hallucinogenics, opiates, cannabis

, cheeky sub Reddit scamps

How often do you do that stuff?

I smoke weed everyday (because of the snoop dog song). I do downers and opiates a few times a week. I trip once a month or so, probably a bit less now. I go through phases of doing speed and coke everyday for a week or so then quit for a while. Last time I went on a meth binge i was in braunheisers room every day talking just absolute nonsense for hours at a time.

Lol watching O&A and chatting on meth sounds like a blast. How old are you?

Early 30s, which I now I mention it is probably too old to spend a week getting fucked up

If you don't have kids, no reason to stop unless you're tired of it or think it's fucking you up in the long run.


Morpy is amazing on stims, then I forget its horrible without stims and snort 60mgs and puke everywhere


I used to be able to drink and then go to work the next day, this was when I was 22-28ish. That's unimaginable now.

Basically if I want to drink, I literally need 72 hours to recover, and i never get 3 days off in a row anymore, so drinking is impossible.

hangovers get so godamn bad when you're 30+.

I turned down a gang rape from my childhood action figures as a teen. After enduring that pain of not living out my dreams I entered a decade long krokodil binge. My therapist recommends suicide.

I never thought the advice show could get more queer.

Egg on your face, amIrite gang?

i drink heavily on weekends, dab wax 3+ times a day and do blow (once or twice a month) but my biggest vice is smoking cigarettes, I'm a 2 pack a day smoker and I just can't quit. Im in pretty good shape for a 30 yr old, but I can't quit smoking no matter what I try. I miss doing acid, it was a weekly habit from when I was 19-24 when I was in art school. I don't think it had any long term problems from it and seriously it helped with drawing. I've had friends quit smoking/beat heroin from taking a few hits and having a sober babysitter help them realize that they are fucking their lives up.

I drink the shit out of it

gotta keep white, molly and Xanax around because its the perfect excuse to lure bitches back to my condo; but i wont lie, i dip into em pretty much every weekend either way ... plus i smoke and drink every day

snorting weed

I'm almost too nice

It turns out I can enjoy life while sober - for years I didn't think that was possible. And I'm much more productive, but I also eat a lot more. It's been difficult moderating my diet.

Do you ever feel like you are being persecuted or the target of a conspiracy? If so are you able to rationalize these feelings away?

You are a fucking idiot for smoking weed.