Doug Benson and Ilza bad mouth Adam Carolla. 26 minutes in

0  2016-07-23 by Lilcumia


Doug Benson is 50 he's talking about coming up together with her, he's 20 years older. The weed and the hoodie are fooling no one old man. Get fucked.

Someone mentioned a while ago that he looks like a stroke victim with his lazy eye and dim-witted smirk.

He looks like one of the baby head erock photoshops


Years young.

They didn't bad mouth him. They said that he never lets anyone get a word in but that they like him. I was expecting much worse. They are correct though. He is a chatter-box.

Doug is a 52 year old closeted fag who dresses like a teenager and has a Lego man hair do.

Two people in no position to criticize anyone, much less Adam Carolla.

3 people this sub could not give a fuck about.. Why op??

Did anyone listen to Loveline?


Will do.

Yep, it was syndicated on the rap rock station in Denver when I was a kid

I've heard some good clips of them fucking with callers, but it seems like it was mostly just a straight, serious advice show. I feel like that could get boring quickly.

Well when you're like 15 hearing chick's call in talking about sucking dick it's pretty riveting


Actually I think Ace and Ant's thinking is not that far apart.

I hope all three of these LA faggots die in a California wildfire.

What a stupid name for a podcast

Doug isn't wrong though

she's another female comic that doesn't stop talking about blow jobs and regret. I can't decide if I find her hot or not? what do you think?

I enjoy her snapchat immensely

Yep, it was syndicated on the rap rock station in Denver when I was a kid
