Leslie Jones follower gets my account locked until I delete my tweet lol

0  2016-07-23 by [deleted]



This shit is so fucking stupid. The world is the gayest

Your not welcome here racist

Damn straight!

I can't wait until twatter goes the way of myspace.

What will Opie do than?

Hopefully die in a pool of his own blood.

tss you mean myspazz tss

Next time, keep your hate speech to yourself, bigot!

Milo back in 2012 wrote an article arguing that trolls should be banned from the Internet.. Then he becomes famous for being a troll and complains that he was banned from a website. The Internet is a bizarre place...



remember when Milo's career was ended when he was booted from Twitter ?


Thanks you asshole now I looked through that boring things twitter and found this https://twitter.com/jadande/status/756506174065741824

Humans should go extinct.


Were're the "King Kong" jokes?

Some vapid fake girl comments on Lesdogg's picture "your so cute!!!!"

Some guy comes in and says you know she's not cute, you're just trying to help her self esteem.

Vapid whore says: "yes i do. she's cute as hell. GTFO my @ mentions fuckface

Guy just posts graph of gun violence by race.


Edit - just read some of those comments... Fuckin eww!!! "Glad your back, it's been a bumpy road" "she's one tough cookie" I want them all to die

Why did you put up a propaganda poster?

This is when the sub is at its saddest

Your 38 followers on Twitter will be devastated you can't tweet anymore.

Hey everyone, look at the faggot that cares about e-followers on twitter. Haa, faggot.

Says the faggot who is actually on Twitter complaining about his account being locked. Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Continue updating us on your life on Twitter like we actually give a shit. Go ahead.

I call him a faggot he says "not me u!" Not butthurt at all.

You went to the account to look for material but the best you could do was: you don't have enough followers. Which only a faggot that lives on twitter would say. But now when mocked for his retardation the comeback is: you spend too much time there. Good one, you're not all over the place.

like we actually give a shit

As he talks about it, stupid faggot. Keep proving to me how little you give a shit, bitch boy.

Thank you for taking the time to break that down. I look forward to more of your Twitter related posts about all your exciting little adventures on Twitter.

Keep proving to me how little you give a shit, bitch boy.


Were're the "King Kong" jokes?
