Question about the Chip Cartoon

11  2016-07-22 by Mr702law

How come people like Cokelogic and about a million other hobbyists on the Internet can make cartoon animations in a day for no real money but Jimmy needs 200k to make a total of 25 mins of animation ?


Because Jim is a dumbfuck who didn't research at all. Y'know who could've done an excellent Chip cartoon? Johnny Utah. Granted, this animation is quite old, and doesn't look amazing, but this is an animator who has a history of O&A content, is popular in the independent animation scene, and who I'd guess would do the work for less than that garbage Jim actually paid for.

It actually makes me kind of sad that the sub didn't just attack the animator instead of Jim. The guy knew what he was doing wasn't worth the check, none of his shit is interesting, it's just a boring bag of shit who considers himself a "professional" because of unaware clientele.

To be fair, the animator didn't write the abomination of "plot" and dialogue.

The line work is horrendous! The animation is so fucking bad. Johnny Utah is great! He also did the Jimmy Robinson animation.

The editing is beyond amateurish - you can drive a truck between every line. If it was funny the pacing would kill it.

That was almost a decade ago. Surely one improves their craft after ten years of work.

I was refering to the chip cartoons, not the jimmy robinson one sorry

Ah. Yeah the Chip one was a piece ah garbage

We should have shit on the animator for tricking Jim into this horseshit. it feels sorta the same when Von got those shithead directors involved in the Patrice documencheree

listen, as much as its the animators fault, we have to hold andy kindler responsible


Jimmy is a crook that wanted to steal as much money as possible from his remaining fans before O&J is cancelled in October.

Well I'm definitely no expert but I hear that buying chicks with dicks can be upwards of $500+ per session.

That surgery ain't gonna pay for itself.

In all honestly I really wonder how much that Chip cartoon torments him?

I've always wondered if Jim approached Cokelogic at all. The animation he came up with would work great for Jims cartoon. If he got paid and had time I wonder if he would've taken the job.


I'm only guessing, but the people who do it as a profession base the price on their expertise, talent, and time that it takes to complete an animation. I hear that animation takes a pretty long time to create. Seeing how it takes a lot of time to complete, that means a lot of money. If cokelogic were to be commissioned for it, jimmy would be paying him for his time, so it may be over his budget for that amount of quality. I doubt jim hasn't thought about getting cokelogic involved. If he hasn't looked into it, then he def should.

Nigga really got a hard on for Norton...

25 minutes?

I think it was supposed to be six eps total and they are like four mins

Did he make it?

He made two.

Never mind I thought you meant he made more

Jim needed $200k to buy Jenny Carm's love.

Jimmy didn't use cokelogic because his animations are the only things worse than who he actually went with

I think because animation is hard, you either have to be extremely passionate about the subject matter or be paid a lot and I don't see how anyone could be passionate the chip chipperson show. At least I hope Jim paid a lot for the animation, even though it's bad. He certainly deserves nothing for his part of that abomination.