Opie and Jim discuss Milo being banned from Twitter, confirm they are bigger faggots than him

36  2016-07-22 by bizzlbone


It makes my skin crawl to hear Jimmy say at 0:18 that he "feels bad that she got such a beating from people. They were tweeting pictures of gorillas to her!"

Do these guys forget the raids they orchestrated on small-market radio shows during Jocktober, over YEARS? The most terrible racist and personal shit, pests attacking the radio DJ's CHILDREN?

And a gorilla picture makes Jimmy feel bad?

I tweeted pretty much this exact same thing to Jim, Opie, Bobby & Vic. Jim was the only one who responded and said that we are right about Jocktober & the only difference was he felt personally shitty about it because he's friends with Leslie.

When Jim says she's a friend, he means she's a celebrity higher up on the ladder than him that might help him one day.

does she have a cure for AIDS?

Don't forget Amy Schumer is fat

Fucking worm

If Leslie was a friend of mine I'd tell her to grow thicker skin and not let such childish nonsense affect her emotionally. A rational and mentally healthy adult should immediately laugh at such "attacks".

But on the show when jocktober came up,jim said it was different cuz they used their real names. The difference is if regular ppl did that shit while using their real names,they would be fired and not make millions of dollars off it like jim,tits and zits have.

Milo uses his real name so I really don't get how that argument works in this case, I know Jim loves to parrot that shit though

Ant would have straight up bitch slapped him for that shit


52 seconds. That is how far I made it into this clip. This show is unbearable.

You're brave. I couldn't even click on the play button.

Yeah, I'm out. I'll read a summary, but I don't know how these masochists are taking actually listening still. I'd rather switch to NPR and fall asleep at the wheel.

The last 10 minutes of the show with Nicl DiPaolo and Vic Henley was pretty good. Mostly because Nick shut Opie up by calling him out for his hurt feelings.

Maybe Opie will smarten up and start filling the studio with comics again and keep his faggot mouth shut.

42 for me - "she handled it like a stand up". Did she?

I would answer you, but I am just a mere civilian. I am thankful that I don't have to go to war every night like those heroes.

You've got a point. Soldiers, firemen...pussies. Stand up comics are the really brave risk-takers. Let us never forget.

You forgot the lip smack. It sounds stupid without the spittle.

Yeah, like that "yo mama" joke from the early 90s

Someone please find all her "comebacks" and send them to Jim

She bitched and moaned then made unfunny tweets in the form of "sassy black woman"

That's basically as long as I lasted- just long enough to realize where they were going with it, and that I didn't want to hear it.

I rarely if ever check out of a show, but that one was the worst I've ever heard. Being angry's easy, this just made me all sad like a faggot. Hopeless, forlorn, all that gay shit.

really i got to bob kelly talking, this was abdominal.


well not being a hypocrite would help their cause. all three of them have made careers bashing people. if they can make whole broadcast bashing terri schiavo (which is and was hilarious) who cant even tweet back, then they should shut the fuck up about another comedian being bashed.

the hypocrisy is what really gets me

11 seconds, had to stop when Jimmy started trying to pronounce Yiannopoulos.

Yanna Poolis...has Jim never met a Greek person before?

I always heard that he spoke Greek

these two deserve an epic pest attack. anyone who can rationalize censorship, after making a career fighting it deserves to be publicly humiliated and then forgotten. oh wait that's already happening to these traitors


Was that Vic Henley's voice acknowledging that Ghostbusters was a bad movie?

People give Ant shit, but he'd never spew verbal faggotry like this. Disappointed in Jimmy.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Ant hasn't exactly shown a thick skin or the ability to make light of things in some years. Remember this is a guy who is heavy handed abuot blocking his Twitter followers since he's been on that platform for any little thing he believes to be criticism.

Bob Kelly is a faggot and I hope those clogged arterys get blocked soon.

What the fuck happened to everyone?

3:03 is what I made it to, and I just had to stop.

I truly don't think Opie and Jimmy grasp that this kind of stuff if what their fanbase was built around. I get that Opie is still (over 2 years later) trying to "reinvent" himself and just wishes old O&A fans would go away, but the fact that they can sit there and act all high and mighty, like they didn't relish in this shit a few years ago, is nauseating.

I'm really sick of Norton too, ugh, fuck him. Even fat fucking Bobby was coming off like a bleeding vagina here... what the fuck...

Were they supporting him?

I don't know, I wasn't joking about not being able to listen past 3 minutes.

From what I listened to, they (mostly Jim) were supporting that black ghostbuster chick, and saying how shitty all this was. What really bugged me was Jimmy saying "and they're posting pictures of silverback gorillas and that's just shitty." I'm almost certain there are at least 3 separate clips from Jimmy laugh comps where he's hysterically laughing when it's being done to Obama or on Jocktober. Now the fucking worm faggot doesn't find it funny because he's trying to take his floundering career in a new direction. Fucking disgusting.

What made me shut it off was Bobby; when did he become such a little pussy? "I wouldn't say your movie stinks to you unless I love you." Would ya?

They're sticking up for the black chick?


No, they cucked out like the spineless faggots they are.

"We felt like they were hurting the business"

So ghostbusters, with their unabashedly pushing some bullshit political messages, attacking the established fan base and trying to milk money from a prior film series isn't hurting the business???

Jimmy Norton, comment?

You know what, gang? I don't think I'm a big supporter of how the Opester has reinvented himself or the show.

"I'm a changed man, I have children now"

Great and the stupid keep on producing....

This is Opie introducing a topic, "SO..Leslie Jones..Milo..Twitter".

What? Use your fucking words you're an alleged professional radio host and you can't even speak you dingbat (pardon my french).

From edgy shock jocks to little sjw lib bitches in record time. Fucking sickening what Jim has become. I always expected this sort of faggotry from Tits.

Is there any way to get this shit cancelled?

say they're homophobic for bashing a prominent gay man

I love Bobby...but this whole clip is pretty embarrassing


What's this gorilla photo? I only saw the one of the old school ghostbusters photos that was tweeted. Were there others?

I remember years ago listening to O&A where they discussed the original Ghostbusters. Tits took a big shit on it saying it doesn't hold up and it's not funny, so of course he doesn't get the backlash, he never liked the original. His sterile househusband humor is right in line with Ghostbusters 2016 though so naturally he's a big fan.

thank goodness, that caller brought up Jocktober. That was their greatest bit ever and all the fans enjoyed it

Milo says Leslie is not literate, Opie refutes this by saying he's seen her in the film and she is very literate. The fuck does he think literate means?

Why does Jimmy act like he's never seen the name Milo before? "Is it My-Low or Me-Low?" 99% of the time it's pronounced "My-Low".

Hmmm, let's see here, is it "Jim-E" or "Jim-I"....

"I'm a changed man, I have children now"