What's with all the Alex Jones fandom here?

0  2016-07-22 by RickMirer3

Everyone here seems smart. Despite the fact that most of us spent about a decade or so listening to the 3 dumbest people on the planet every day.

But Alex Jones is clearly a fucking retard.

Here is what he thinks:

  1. Evolution is a fraud. He believes in "intelligent design." He says evolution is a conspiracy to "make Christianity look stupid."

  2. The government was turning people gay by putting chemicals in their juice boxes, water bottles, and potato chip bags that feminized men.

  3. American drinking water is full of Prozac, and the runoff is affecting ocean wildlife, turning fish and shrimp gay and bisexual and forcing them to commit suicide.

  4. Osama bin Laden died years ago from kidney failure. His death was kept a secret by Walter Kronkite and former Secretary of State Madeline Albright.

  5. Queen Elizabeth II is not English, but rather can trace her lineage back to Transylvania and Dracula.

  6. Abortion is a form of population reduction, convincing black people to kill their children and go on welfare.

  7. New York City city set up several undercover cops to follow Jones, possibly to assassinate him.

  8. In January 2008, after Obama was inaugurated, he said the US dollar would be devalued 90% by 2010.

  9. In 2008 he said Hillary Clinton was chosen by the Illuminati to be President.

  10. On December 31st 1999 he did a live Y2K show reporting hundreds of thousands killed and starvation and food shortages happening around the world. Turned out to be bullshit...

...and many many more.

Not sure why he's popular on here now?


You don't have to agree with him to find him entertaining.

No but his schtick gets old after awhile.

His "Pokemon Go" rant is a hoot!

Everyone here seems smart

Funniest thing I've read here all week. omg, what sub have you been reading?

Thanks for the list, Opie.

ME: He says there's a secret space program, add that one to the list, Saaaah-may.

What the fuck is so secret about NASA? lol

Do we really like Alex Jones, or is it more likely we just hate the Young Terks? Seeing them get trigger by anybody is enjoyable.

But seeing them get triggered so intensely by that oafish buffoon makes it all the more hilarious.

They suck too

He doesn't believe any of that shit. lol

But the inbreeds that hang on his every utterance do.

So he tells these jamokes what they wanna hear,

then afterwards, sells 'em bulk quantities of MREs to prepare for

"the fast approaching take-over by the globalist elite".

Visa & MasterCard gladly accepted!

That's what makes me loathe him. He spouts all this bullshit

just so he can dump his survivalist crap on those soft of brain

who also happen to have a modicum of disposable income.

Did he tell you that when he fucked you in your mouth

Yes. I mean no. I mean ....

That first sentence really had me laughing. They really are just 3 fucking idiots.

Buncha fawkin peckaz

90% of Jones fans are being ironic. He's a meme.

And 100% of Jones fans are moronic.

Alex made the classic comedy album Rant In E-Minor. Let's show him some respect

good job with the copy&paste

Still, #3 was pretty funny. Kind of reminded me of this a little.

People like to be told they're right, and they dont like to be told they're wrong. So if you're an asshole there's a lot of validating that Jones can do for you.

He went SSJ once.

Alex Jones is a nutjob retard, but you can't deny he's a hilarious and entertaining nutjob retard.

Alex Jones looks like grown up BamBam

I think the people who are ALL IN with the Alex Jones are few. I think a good chunk are more along the lines of me. I think he's a great carny act who just says and does things just because. I don't listen to his show, I like the occasional clip and especially when he goes on other people's shows.

Who wants to know?

Many of those are just facts. Is the University of Portsmouth fucking retarded? Is the American Chemical Society retarded? Is the Wall Street Journal, University of California, the European Food Safety Authority just a bunch of fucking retards? Is Angelo M. Codevilla, professor of international relations at Boston University, a fucking retard?

Alex says things to pander to his audience and knows how to make a scene. I think he's liked here for being king troll. Remember when he went on Piers Morgan? Hilarious.

Ugh, I hated that shit. He and Anthony make gun owners look bad. Anthony with his OMG HOME INVASIONS ARE HAPPENING TO ALL WHITES! paranoia and Jones being incapable of doing a debate without screaming non-sense like he's the Ultimate Warrior.

You forgot chemtrails, Tavistock, the Bildenburg group, and the lunar landing being a lie.

He's not as stupid as Opie, probably dumber than Anthony.

It always annoyed me when they would say how smart Anthony is, especially the "professor Anthony" bullshit.

He knows some facts, he's not a smart man.

He may not be a smart man

but he knows what love is


Your post history has the word "fuck" in everything.

"fuck" is a very versatile word. Noun, adjective, verb and it flows so smoothly no matter how you use it

Good observation, post creeper. For this post, I will be using nothing but inoffensive words which I hope will comfort you.