Tim Heidecker crashes InfoWars

15  2016-07-22 by EskimoEscrow


I like at the 5:00 mark she describes exactly what Jones did on the Turks shows.

"he got his ten seconds of fame"

He sure did.

ten MORE seconds of fame.

Tim Heidecker wins in every way

Except for that time he got brutally stabbed. I'd put that in the loss column.

Say whaaaat?

Yeah, I just watched a video of him telling the story. Crazy shit. Also, the drug he was talking about is Dilaudid. It's good shit.

I remember watching that movie The Comedy he was in and there is a scene where he is jumping on the ocean and you can clearly see the scars. Fuckin crazy people always stabbing people

my brother spent 60,000 dollars on dilaudid this year, it's good shit

Jesus, why not just switch to heroin? It's much cheaper.

Oh shit who's his hook up?

I mean, um, that's terrible!

Ah na na na na

Is she still fucking him?

This clown looks like a discount Billy Baldwin