Louis CK bringing up how unfriendly Opie is. Opie doesn't get it.

22  2016-07-21 by rollerboogie

I was listening to this old episode with Patrice and Louis CK on Anthony's birthday. Patrice is going over how unfriendly all the Chinese people he deals with are.

Opie chimes in and agrees saying his dry cleaner never acknowledges that he knows him.

Listen to Louis try to remind Opie that he doesn't treat people well either, doesn't say hi, etc. Opie steamrolls over him, completely oblivious that he's talking about him. Louis basically starts sighing.


I think Opie probably treated Louis like shit before he was a big name. That's what I got from this. Fucking waste of space.


Remember how Anthony said on here that Louie has a few stories of Opie being a piece of trash

Yeah, that's exactly what I thought of when I listened to this. I love doing all this detective work this subreddit is doing. We're discovering more evidence that Opie fucking blows every day.

I agree, it's a great way to waste our lives

We're doing this for his kids.

And Hudson Margera

I can't stand Opie. He's even making going back and listening to old shows hard. A lot of the great clips I listen to, he doesn't say much and is never funny. How in the hell did he get so far in radio?

Relisten to old clips with today's perspective. It's amazing. I barely noticed his incompetence then but it's glaringly obvious now, through present day glasses.

I would guess he knows some really shady shit about someone huge in the business so he gets these jobs to keep quiet but then again he seems way too retarded to be able to elegantly leverage something serious in this way.

His parents are nobodies, right?

This shit just doesn't add up.

Harry! I've reached the top!

whaaat. source please. i must have missed that

I hope we get to hear these some day, maybe if Jimmy ever leaves the show? The problem is no one is gonna ever ask him for Opie stories, because no one besides us cares or knows who Opie is.

Opie the man who would snap at his staff.

Also I've never heard of any Chinese food place remembering your phone number. Maybe not put it cause they're comfortable with you and know you're not going to take off.

I know you, I heard you were dead.

Knockers made up a fake lie! >:(

you say odd shit to people

Rip u/stinkskc



yeah opie is famous for being pleasant and welcoming ... he certainly doesn't have a reputation for not acknowledging people who say hi to him and creepily rebuffing people for no reason

He does say good morning to Jim at least 50% of the time.

They're not that close.


I think you are right, but this is like some Cold Case shit where nobody gives a fuck. Besides the few lunatics who still bother about details like this.

Besides the few lunatics who still bother about details like this.

The entire board?

I include myself in that gaggle of lunatics.

Well we don't include you. Get out.

Knowing Opie and his weird power plays, it was probably just once Louis became a regular, he probably just walked into the studio of his own accord. Not waiting for the Opie summons.

Wasn't that the crux of the original Opie vs Jim on air fight? Opie being a cunt about comic guests in general?

I think we all love when guests rip into Opie, especially when he doesn't pick up on it.

I didn't go through this looking for Opie getting upset. I just stumbled upon it and realized what it was. GOLD GOLD GOLD!

This whole subreddit is worse than menopausal women in a hair salon. you fucking suck. I agree O&A are both pieces of shit but jesus, I know this is the most over-used insult ever but you cunts need to get a life

Thanks for sharing, faggot.

Unsubscribe button is to the right.

yeah well you need to GET REA L

You're on a subreddit for a dead radio show, the fuck do you expect.

Go to /Oprah you fucking homo.

oprah? you dudes sit here nit-picking the comedians reactions and level of sighs in response to the radio host steamrolling bits. you guys are way worse

Sighs from only 5 years ago, it needs to be looked into.

...this....means something.