O&J discuss Milo's banning- Opie admits he regrets and feels guilty for Jocktober and tons of other shit.

29  2016-07-21 by [deleted]


What 55-year old man doesn't wish they could take back some of the foolish things they did in their youth (late 40's)??

That truly is amazing. He was 51 when Anthony was fired and the show stopped being mean, but it's like he thinks that was another life ago.

Not to mention he continued Jocktober into that year. And has bagged on Todd and Jayde like 4 times since Ant was booted.

Who doesn't long for the halcyon days of the second year of Obama's second term?

He's just trying to make nice because he'll be looking for a job at their stations come October.

Children of the 80s.

Late 40's, why?

...that made their career and millions of dollars.

Opie regrets putting on entertaining radio

That makes sense.

But where is Sherrod and Vic Henley?!?!

edit: holy shit, Vic Henley actually is there. Does he just camp out in studio now?

"That's just what we do in here"

He was dropping all kinds of we's yesterday too.

Wait...you died..?

This is really his mother, I studied his post history and am trying to emulate him. It's helping me cope seeing the posts and think it's really him.

Show us ur tits,u old bitch

Welcome aboard ma'am. Happy to have you. Please give your vagina my condolences.

His snort, lip/tongue smacking and eating as close as possible to the mic were more enraging than usual yesterday. YEAAAUHHH AWWWWH HAAWWW IAAAYAAAM VIC HAAANLAY. It was funny when Bobby shit on him though

that feel when i have no idea who vic henley is, and have no intention of finding out

Opie always criticized people who turned their backs on their shock jock roots, like Mancow, to do something else. He always said, "Give the money back and all the stuff you got from being a shock jock. Don't live in a mansion and drive around in a Mercedes if you regret this stufff. Give the fuhhhhhhkin money back!"

Of course, Sweet Boy Who Turned Over A New Leaf and Hates Uncle Paul and Jocktober and Meanness will never give up the 7 million dollar penthouse suite or the trophy wife, or the beach home, and go to the suburbs or New Jersey and live by himself.

No, No, No. Having integrity is for everybody else. He can keep all the fortune and fame he made from being boorish and vulgar and insulting people. He's GREGG OPIE HUGHES.

when you put it like that he seems like a real jerk

The Jerk of all Jerks.

Well the jerk store called, and they're running out of YOU!

This is part 455634 of Jimmy railing against internet anonymity not seeing any reason its favorable.

at least his take on the situation is worldly and refreshing:

"she handled it like a comic"

no she didn't you babbling tool. what the fuck does that even mean? why not "she handled it like a pharmacist". the compulsion to respond to insults is not a unique trait among the rare and metaphor prone breed of comics.

also thank god for Blobby's enlightening view on Twitter. "it fucking stinks". then get the fuck off it and shut your mouth you social media civilian.

Jimmy and a lot of these guys are completely incapable of empathy or imagining what it is like to be anything other than a comedian. They think "busting balls" is something you need to do 10 years of road gigs to understand. The other day I was about to say "nice shirt, stupid" but I remembered I didn't pay my dues.

Hes going through male menopause. Remember him crying about a life insurance commercial that aired during the Super Bowl? Good Lord, get a grip on yourself.





Why is he pretending to strain out every word? What the fuck is the point of that?

My guess is its a habit, he thinks it's cool, and partially stolen from Ronny B.

His vagina is showing again.

Ugh that phony voice, "Just hang up, hhhyukyukyuk, that's a perfect phone call, hhhyukyukyuk."

Sounds like someone is trying to back pedal for that coveted 2nd chair on Connick Jr.

Old men talking about social media gossip is such a bore.

And sadly it's the most animated sounding these two lazy shits have been in awhile.

Social media is the only thing these 3 queens have cared about for years.

At 16:10 or so Jimmy has to take over reading because he knows Opie can't read 'totalitarian'.

TSSS totalitarian? Is that where you take your sick bowl of cereal or sumpthin'?


Jim Norton is a worthless shithead

How do they not remember they did the same exact thing to the todd show? I really dont understand why they are such faggot pussies now, this is so fucking terrible.

This is what happens when you base your career on sucking tranny cock or stomping cakes; you get old. Now they feel and understand the cringe and embarrassment that someone should feel from being a juvenile child in their 50s, yet they simply don't have the talent to be anything else.

That dick licking cocksucking faggot. Opie I mean.

What a piece of shit. He'd still be giving out fudgie wudgie bars without that sort of shit

That was incredibly therapeutic for Opie.

Why? It was some of their best content. Ya'll have gone soft

Gregg "i hate to say it" Hughes
Gregg "herricane" Hughes

God I fucking hate OP for making me listen to this shit show again.

Some of the Jocktober stuff was a little harsh but wasn't that the whole bit? To attack any and all radio they deemed shitty?

I get having remorse or guilt for things you did during your youth (in his case, his late 40s) but didn't this fuck used refer to himself as "Opie the Destroyer"? Now he's just "Tits".

was a little harsh but wasn't that the whole bit?

It wasn't just the bit, it was the whole basis for the show and his character in particular.

"I regret the things that i did that got me my multi-million dollar Manhattan home and a wife much younger than me"

Bobby says that Leslie has the "subtlety of a a great actor."

Isn't that the opposite of what people were saying about her role in the movie? People were saying after the trailer that her character was so sassy and over the top that it seemed like a racist stereotype.

Opie is worse than Howard Stern, as far as becoming what he made his career bashing.

He should own up to how shit like that made his fucking career.

Instead he is an apologetic pussyhole.

On that shit OandA podcast one of them was dedicated to him being an asshole, and there was some good ones.

He is trying so hard to reinvent himself, and he is flabbergasted why we will not let him forget it.

There they go again with that "anonymous cowards" shit. They've been spouting that shit since the Wackbag days.

Give your money back you made while doing that shit if you're so broken up over it tits.

Was it his wife's idea to turn into this radio dad character that's offended by everything now?

feel guilty all you want .. you will not be remembered fondly if at all ... fucking whiny old hen.

Better hope that time machine is never invented. Oddly enough, it would be the exact opposite of what you always said it would be: your old selves will use it to come forward and smash you all. Fucking old females on the radio, where are those charm bracelets you kept calling for when listening to other raqio shows that weren't a quarter as bad as you are now?

These old women can't cope with the fact that anonymous internet trolls are funnier than they ever were.

I keep hearing a laugh that sounds like Otto.

That's Vic Henley.

Opie's like a old dog, he just wants to lay in the sun and stare at the spot where his balls used to be.

Bobby does yeomans work trying to make it seem like all the fat jokes don't bother him.

Jimmy had so many good fat jokes yesterday on Bobby it was hilarious. One of them was along the lines of Bobby running across the tapan zee bridge and making the crane fall over.

its a ghhhhhhhhhhhhhooossssttt ahhh booooooooooooooooooo aahhh oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

...Jim has been going wig shopping for the Chip cartoon?

Towards the end of the clip, Jimmy refers to Opie as Gregg multiple times; is this a new thing? If so, kudos to Gregg for finally overcoming the nickname that he's been stuck with since he was 18.

Are you sure he wasn't just talking to the caller named Greg?

ffs, I guess that means for fucks sake.

You guess?

All of these people suck cock


my message to the youtube uploaders: you are wasting your daily time and energy with this garbage show. don't come to a stage, where you have to look back and decry all the times you wasted on this abomination.

These isolated clips are much better than the whole show ones. I personally didn't hate yesterday's show Bobby and Jimmy were really good, and I get a weird kick out of listening and waiting for Opie to do something stupid so I can share here.