Jim Norton, a 49 year old comedian who is not a failure, is performing at the Gathering of the Juggalos...

34  2016-07-21 by beeseesee

Let's ignore how embarrassing and pathetic that is and, instead, enjoy this Juggalos break from The Best Show with Tom Scharpling:



From what I understand it's an easy gig that pays a nice chunk of change. He could just do Chip and un-ironically kill in front of that aberrant mass of mouth breathers who where most likely molested as children.


well he's not wrong.

jim has always dreamed of being one of those girls who gets assfucked on a chain link fence by a random mob of juggalos

I saw that video, but wasn't it just one guy?

Probably won't be best to do Uncle Paul then...

Yeah, don't want everyone getting homesick while they are having a good time...

They've been doing comedy stages for years now at the gathering. It's not an easy gig. There are multiple videos online with the stand up and juggalos. When you bomb you bomb hard.

He's getting paid in lemon-lime Faygo.

I don't know about easy. If the crowd does not like you, they will show it. They will actually throw objects at artists they do not approve of.

This whole Jimmy is a failure narrative makes me laugh. He's a millionaire.

Is he a sluggish flip flopping worm? Sure. Is he a failure? Naw nigga.

why are so many rich people unhappy? because they feel like failures, the only thing that matters is how you feel.

This is why Anthony always hung out with the pests. They were the only people he could feel successful next to.

Is this a CQ character you're work shopping or are you actually serious? haha.....Who said anything about happiness? I was just saying he isn't a failure.

you missed the point, he is very likely a failure in his own mind, it's why he sucks up to Opie for a paycheck, none of his TV projects ever caught on, his animation is crap, his standup never got the acclaim that burr/ck/anyone else he worked with did... lets see... he enjoys perversions and his hobby is to take pics of celebrities, you don't need to have masters in psychology to see where his head is at.

to panera bread employees like us he may be a success, but that's irrelevant, state of your mind is what matters.

Did I miss the point or are you just doubling down on a point that had no merit to begin with? Schinkel bout it.

whoosh right over your head.

What went over his head? The guy made millions of dollars doing comedy, a dream achieved by about .1% of people that set out for it, plenty of successful people are depressed, doesnt mean they didnt succeed, come on dude.

of course it means they didn't succeed (in their own head)

You can not like him all you want, the whole cartoon thing was a disaster, but he's succeeded in comedy, sure theres always room to move up, but he's more of a success than 99% of comedians and he knows it. sorry.

since neither of us knows him lets continue to speculate.. I bet it eats him alive that he hasn't "made it" like most of his friends, his openers have their own TV shows and hang out with jennifer lawrence...

Yeah that's probably true. I guess it's just a matter of phrasing really

Besides being a millionaire, he also kept his money. Ant gave half of it to his ex-wife, Opie blew a big chunk of it on a house to appease his current one.

Literally millions of people in the US are millionaires. Actually, is Jimmy that set up? I know it's almost a running gag the boys pulled, calling themselves millionaires that really stroked their ego, but at best it's in the low 7 figures. As CQ pointed out about himself, he'd be rich if he had done the right things, and I highly doubt Jim did the right things, or he wouldn't be wringing out his fans for 60k in apartment renovations.


Juggalos are proof that white people don't have their shit together.

They're still less embarrassing than Proud Boys. I'll respect dumb impoverished hicks before faggots who eat 5 brands of cereal to fill the time they used to spend masturbating.

I'd get a proud boy forehead tat and slather on ICP makeup before I'd admit subscribing to TACS

I can't speak for Juggalos but if you read the history of ICP, two poor wiggers from Detroit who started off hitting the streets with CDs and are now multi millionaires with a giant entertainment conglomerate and are a part of culture for millions of faggots, it is kinda impressive.

THEY have their shit together, I'll give them that but their fans are a different story altogether. Living in a trailer still at 32 with your grandma who raised you? Not impressive.

quit talkin bout my grandma ill kill you

Juggalos are like the Cumias, if Anthony hadn't hit it big with Opie.

This hard-hitting heavyweight of comedy will not stop until you fall flat on the floor and piss your pants, ninjas! You have been warned. Get ready to laugh until it hurts with the American Degenerate in the flesh... Jim Norton!

Perhaps they have oversold the performance

Jesus, is that what the copy says?

Verbatim, I did pick the douchiest part though. Here is the full thing, it also explains how Jim is "in a fuckton of major motion picture appearances"

Just. Ouch. Hey, I guess in the end, a paycheck's a paycheck, right?

Honestly this is a perfect crowd for his standup. He talks about being bisexual and wanting people dead for their PC BULLSHIT. Low expectations and an inebriated crowd, he'll do great.

Well, when you put it that way.

where the fcuk is kissy cock who is kogan the creep ass lol

trannies mirite guise

For the first time in his life, Jim Norton will be revered as an Adonis among those monasteries.

yeah a bunch a buddhas are living inside them or somethin!!

right col?

Fawkin buried me. Typo yuma.


I think you mean 'monstrosities', fella.

Egg on my face, huh?


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The only loyalty the worm has is to its wallet.

I love that clip.. Howard was having lots of fun with that.

"Listen, you crumpet London bitch.."

"The only metal he's king of is heroin needles"

And Jim says he's loyal to Ozzy ....

Wonder what he'd say if he knew Worm was doing this?

Well, I know what he would say now, but I mean before that.

Will /u/sanfrancisco69er be attending? He's a known juggalo

WHOOP WHOOOP magic magic ninjas whaaat XD

Its cool to hate on ICP but seriosuly watch them on howard stern fighting with Sharon osbourne. They would have fit in amazingly with ant and jim busting balls. Also at a previous gathering they encouraged their fans to throw D battery's at Telia tequila when she bombed on stage. Hopefully the same happens to 2'8 jimbo

Very true.. their music is terrible, but they're actually funny/witty guys. They also interviewed Gilbert Gottfried, and it was hilarious.

Yea man. Shaggy told a story about fucking broads with his face makeup on but the women couldn't stop looking at his weird clown face and it made him uncomfortable. So he said whenever he takes groupies back to fuck he puts a paper bag on their head so they can't freak him out. Was talking about having bags with cartoon faces on prepared in advance. Funny dudes

Their movie Big Money Hustlas is extremely funny too, and if you didnt like their songs in 7th grade well...I'm below you.


helicopter rides

Lmao, thanks that was a good listen

And he's 3'10"

It wouldn't bother me to be there but then again I'm a heavy drinker who would just get shitfaced like everyone elese.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jUoeRhom7X4 this is a funny clip aboit juggalos from The Lazlow Show

Aids, aids, trannys, and aids.


I believe he's 4"2', add that to your otherwise balanced judgement

The gathering is a huge festival that books plenty of mainstream rappers every year. It's not a bad gig at all.

sounds like a hell gig that pays well and is an interesting experience to meet dirty rotten sluts.

I'd prob do it

I'm sure he's making a bunch of money, fuck it

Being made by a successful guy on the internet.. Check fawking mate

Who the fuck is jim norton? The only jim I know is the heir to the Morton salt fortune....

jims comedy is a bit simplistic ... even for that crowd


Heres Jimmy backstage at ufc200 lurking waiting to meet connor mcgregor.. The security had to explain to him why hes talking to norton, its weird.

Juggalos know Jim Morton is a thieve and his bodyguard is a retired rat squad cop.


This is some inside baseball but how happy were you when sparklebomb called in a few months ago trying to act like oh isn't it crazy I'm going to the gathering and he completely ignored it? Tom is still soft on girl callers but he wasn't having any that night.

Sorry you phone cut out.

That's not a hack thing to say yet? I was talking to this other dude, if you dont get it you dont get it homie.

I guess I am completely out of the loop because I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Feel free to fill me in though.

nah thats ok. namaste bro.

That will never be a hack thing to say.