F happened to Opie when DiPaolo walked in

25  2016-07-21 by StopApologizingUSA

This Greggshells moment was inexplicable. Nick obviously noticed Opie was in a mood so he mentioned it. Then Opie took on the voice of a 10 year old who had to sit next to the uncle who molested him. Then later, in the middle of Nick talking, Opie tried to wrap up the show 8 minutes early. Opie invited Nick in, on the phone. DiPaolo didn't say anything offensive. It completely baffled me


Opie's still of the delusion that Nick is one of the people Anthony turned against him. He actually believe comics give a shit about him and Anthony's middle school drama. That's the extent of his narcissism. It's so pathetically hatable. It was pretty clear when he had his fight with Jim. Nick is one of 'Ant's boys' in his stupid self-absorbed balding head.

Fuck Opie, hope he dies

"He actually believe comics give a shit about him and Anthony's middle school drama."

It's retarded that Opie and most definitely Jim think that by large so many fans fuck with them because they are sore over OnA breaking up/ending. I've heard Jim mention this several times, using that specific reason. What a clueless gimp

I don't think he actually believes that anymore. It's just an excuse so he doesn't have to address how horrible tits is.

Exactly. He even tried blaming it on his stance on the NSA. Really, Jim? You think your fan base turned on you because you enjoyed the NSA spying on the public? He is a slimy lil worm.

So that fucking worm was giddy over the NSA abusing it's powers? I hope he runs across the street trying to get a celeb photo and he gets hit by a car shattering both his legs and horribly mutilating his inch worm dick.

I'm sure his opinion will flip next time a celebrity disagrees with him in studio though. Fucking wormy cunt

What an annoying stance to take

Nah, I like Nick. I hope Opie dies.

Well put.

Hahahaha over 20 upvotes; you cocksucking liberal fags here love your conjecture inspired fan fiction don't you?

It's either that or this horseshit repeated so much you'd think, no way, that this is purely a circlejerk sub about a show that hasn't existed for years:




e: that's right you soft asshurt faggots, downvote and cry away.


The weirdest part is that this dude is clearly a liberal trying to do a parody of a far right character. The amount of effort these people put in is ridiculous.

I don't need an alt account you dumb faggot.


No I don't you lying faggot; the fact you've heard of me and I haven't of you shows that it's you who'd have the alts, not me, you cocksucking faggot.

Everyone knows you because you're the most childish manbaby on all of reddit, and you have to make a new account every day because you keep getting banned for being a retard.

That isn't me you dumb faggot, and LOL that you have to make an alt to talk to me since you're too much of a scared fucking pussy to use your real account, on which I've likely embarassed you time and time again, you pathetic fag! Cry more you fucking bitch.

What's not you, faggot? You've embarrassed nobody.

Unsubscribe button is on the right, cunt.

Cocksucking liberal fags and a den of alt-right racist misogynists. A true melting pot


Go back to bed Ant.

opie didn't want DiPaolo to call in or come in at all ... but when he called, opie thought he could fake the pleasantries; which includes the obligatory "come on in" ... Opie never expected or wanted nick to show up but when he did, we all saw how that radio pro can roll w the punches and throw away his prep-sheet.

I don't even think that, my money is Jim saw him at the cellar or he texted Jimmy and he told him to come in without asking the almighty Opester for his approval.

possible ... but during the DiPaolo call both Nick and Jimmy are confused as to why he is calling at all; instead of coming in like usual ... my main argument is that something not on the prep-sheet happened and opie was petrified at the sight of 3 people having chemistry and being humorous ... and personally offended they were funny on "his" show


For an exchange of some saltines smeared with ketchup and cheez whiz I was able to get this information.

Does erock actually mention doing this, or is your made up "food that erock eats" way to accurate?


I'm confused. What I am asking is "Did Erock actually say this out loud?"


Because Nick was on his way to what Tits considers a lesser radio show, while only making a phone call to the might raqio juggernaut that is O&J. I imagine schoolgirl Opie was insulted, and that her breasts started aching with indignation.

I imagine schoolgirl Opie was insulted, and that her breasts started aching with indignation.

This gave me a boner.

They tried doing pleasantries and introductions when Nick first showed up, but Nick said no need for all this, just keep doing what you were doing, I'll jump in. Was Opie pissed Nick told him how to direct his show? Just seemed like Nick was more like I've been here a million times, i know how this works, no reason to introduce or interview me, just keep talking about whatever you were talking about and we'll all come across some shit to rant and joke and laugh about. But Opie got pissed for some reason. It's a shame because Nick gave him a lively fun 40 minutes.

Was it the Boomer and Carton thing? He didn't like that Nick brought up the name of another morning radio show? Or that Nick drove down to the city to go see Boomer and Carton but was only calling in to Opie? Or is that Nick called in around 7 a.m. and didn't make his way to Opie until around 10 a.m.? Who the fuck knows.

Bobby seemed to be hitting Opie with little zingers all day. They might have piled up. Nick was like the child who innocently walks into the house after school one day and gets the shit beaten out him by his dad because the dad needed to let off a little steam after being nagged by the mother all day. Nick however is the kind of kid who finds such events amusing, not traumatizing.

One thing that really pissed off Opie early in the show was when Jimmy said that he and Matt Serra did Katie Nolan's podcast. Opie was pissed. Opie mentioned that he tried to bring Katie over to his show, but she wouldn't do it, so whatever. Opie was fucking pissed about that Nolan thing.

Jimmy is getting guests on the UFC podcast that Opie can't get.

Katie Nolan's stupid cute chipmunk face makes me hard.

Also, where can I find that podcast?

That was a meltdown of Fez Whatley proportions.

The mental illness is strong in this one

Spot on. Opie's response of "I'm fine" when Nick asked what was wrong was reminiscent of Fez. We need a new name for Op now. Foppie? Ozzie? F. Greggshells Whatley?



There is a reason Opie was always left out of the conversation when Good O&A told stories involving comedians.

Look -- none of us are amazing. We all stink. Even those that don't stink, stink. But I will challenge the fellows whom hold archive tapes (the ones just a tad on the positive side of Bobo) to produce a moment in which Opie was fully onto the joke.

It does not happen because he is incapable of personally participating in the humor he panders.

Opie would always dance around the conversation when Jim, Anthony and assorted comedians were talking. He'd toss out a line and they'd either step over it because it sucked or they'd give him the obvious pity laugh and then he'd start reading from instant feedback, usually unfunny jokes from fans, fake laughing at them as he read them to try and fit in with the conversation.

But my favorite moments were when they'd be discussing something horrific and making fun of it and everyone would be on point, attacking something and Opie would do his dance trying to fit in, make one comment that they'd pity laugh at and then he'd do his, "I'M OUT!! I'M DONE!!!" in such a proud tone of voice. He had nothing and knew it so when he got his pity laugh he tried to act like what they were discussing was so bad that he wouldn't make anymore jokes to be nice.

The truly sad thing exposed by listening to someone speak as themselves for hours and hours as a way to sell media is that they lose the ability to hide themselves.

I'm on heavy cold medication so I've been one step behind all day! It sounds like like I'm right there with ya, but I've been one fawkin step behind! This was during a Louie show where, as usual, he contributes nothing.

Opie is mentally ill like his mommy. It's genetic and only gets worse with age.

Nick went on the Anthony Cumia Show. That makes him persona non grata in the Opester's book.

Theory #1: He and Jim had an argument during the break because Jim wasn't told they were taking a day off on Monday.

Theory #2: Opie read and believed a tweet 'someone' sent him about Nick DiPaolo allegedly thrashing him on Ant's show.

Theory #3: He was upset because Bobby hours earlier made a joke that he 'should just shave it off or add some stuff to the top of his head'.

Theory #4: So many other funny people in the room made him realize that he had nothing to contribute.

Theory #5: Fez paid an old Haitian voodoo lady 300 impressive toenails to curse Opie with sudden Fez anxiety.

Theory #6: Nick was wearing a Torpid Sloth shirt.

Theory #7: Opie and Nick are not close enough friends.

Theory #8: He got an email with the latest ratings.

Theory #9: He had a flash of insight and got really depressed when he realized that Vic Henley isn't half as funny as the regular comedians they used to have on the show.

Theory #10: He remembered that it was exactly 3 years ago his wife mysteriously traveled to the O2 academy in Leeds, England.

Theory #10: He remembered that it was exactly 3 years ago his wife mysteriously traveled to the O2 academy in Leeds, England.

what's this about?

It's almost like when Anthony called out Opie on everything it shattered his confidence. Like he wanted to keep it a secret that they were not getting along. Now it seems like he's paranoid or something. These are guys who have come on to show for years. Now it seems like opie doesn't want them to have anything to do with the show. Very strange


Tits doesn't like Nick, they're both fags tbh.

The soap opera you losers create out of nothing is astounding. Just think, if you had actual intelligence, and focused it on something important, you would really be dangerous.

So looking at your account history, you've got over 100 posts exclusively to this subreddit, save for one to /r/themindyproject

I'm sure you'll be curing cancer any day now.

Like you?

Remind everyone why you post in this subreddit at all.

Cause he needed the money! OH!

Opie is voting for Hillary because it's all his wife will talk about at home. He's not going to admit this. But Opie has turned into a lactating SJW whose inner monologue is just screaming about right-wing trolls.

anybody else fucking tired of all this "right wing, left wing" horseshit. so boring.

the only wings i care about are the ones I smother in hot sauce and ranch. bix nood with your shitass politics already. bix nood!

Ranch? Its blue cheese with wings or go fuck your motha

This faggot probably only likes them mild.

"Oh unsauced for me!"

We need a second holocaust for people who prefer dry wings

I agree completely. I honestly can't comprehend people that find that enticing.

The way they were invented in buffalo, New York, cocksucka!
