I'm still grateful to O&A and I love them and all of you

25  2016-07-21 by AsinineBob

I feel like they taught my autistic ass to break balls and be a normal dude. 90% of my rapport with other guys is straight up an imitation of of the bbbboys. These guys taught me how to make fun of people and keep it light and stay friends with them. Despite all the hate and trolling, if I meet one of them, I will shake their hand and kiss their ass.

And now that the show is dead, you guys carry on the torch. I love every single one of you pieces of shit, and no matter how many times I delete my account, I'll keep coming back... because I love this fucking place.


You sound like a caller Opie would go to.

even in this state, i have to admit that opie stinks. fuck opie (upvotes to the left)

Which state are you in?

Fawkin colorado I bet getin fawkin zooted, rite?

When my wife passed away, you guys were the only thing...


tss she die of a big fawkin PECKA or sumpthin?


AsinineBob wants in bad.

AsinineBob. Where you at with this?

Opie would go to any caller anytime... Especially when the boys were on a roll without him.

This is something someone writes before they kill themselves and a loved one.

peckas crossed

Tummy sticks

Obviously not in that order


How drunk are you right now?

lil' bit

Just a taste...

Your username saved you from one down vote.

Couple road sodas in!!!

When you're up in the clocktower, just remember that if god didn't want you to do this for him, he'd simply stop you.

Fuck that's funny

Gold please

Show me how you suck a cock.

you're gonna be ooookaaaay



all right there friend you've had enough for tonight

"Hello fellow men, what a great sport event this is. I'm going to go drop a hammer right as soon as this cage wrestle is seen to completion. Look at that broad in the front row, I hope she has a big dick ha ha. Just kidding, but not really, I'm going straight to a motel after this. I don't mind if she's stronger than me but I won't fall asleep next to a nigger." ..sniff


dude that's true. he's an example not to follow! sometimes when i'm taking things too seriously, i realize that i'm being a gregg!

you're a good egg for pointing that out

You're being such a fucking Gregg right now


leave it alone...

Love all these "i was autistic too" lines.. No. You're still autistic you assburger kings queens and princes.


Wow holy shit I thought you were kidding and was gonna write a smiley face and move on....you seem to be serious about this. GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF! and dont make any decisions while youre in this awful mental state.

I decide to appreciate you


O&A every day, that's what I say. I'm going to die alone.

not while this sub exists you pecka. <3


This ain't your diary, negro. Take your oversharing ass back to Facebook with that shit.

if f i met you, i wouldn't hurt you. i'd hug you. because i take your negativity, and turn it into positivity. your anions turn into cations. come here sweetums

Thank you, you complete me as well.

Sometimes I feel like that when im on pills, the trick is to crush it down until the feeling subsides

shove those pills in your ass and fuck your mother. you only life once, am i right?

"Shove those pills in your ass and fuck your mother. You only life once, am i right?"


And now we're teaching ourselves how to be autistics again

If you think imitating fake ass shockjocks and anonymous internet trolls is how regular people act I am so embarrassed and sorry for you.

The sad thing is, we all feel this exact same way but we're not emotionally aware enough to realize it.

Anyway back to making jokes about Opie's tits.

You're gay

This is the nicest thing ever said on this sub. Godbless us, everyone.

Love you guys; love the show

Anthonys take on marriage got me out of a relationship I hate. Before listening I would just sit around and take her bullshit because she was hot. After a few months of listening she grew to hate me and left

right on man

Opie is a cunt.

Obviously not in that order

This sounds like Opie's speech he made into the mirror when thinking of Bam.

Try doing some light calisthenics instead. Much better than coming here.

Yea and 100% of my interaction with woman are treating them like the low down sluts they are...gotta love the boys.

Do you shit on beaches? What Opie-isms do you use to make friends?

Also did you delete your account after you tried to claim arithmetic is not a part of mathematics?


I haven't been as lucky as you. I've found that people my age are generally put off by that type of friendly ball busting. Instead, I have to converse with people that belly laugh at Vine videos and listen to edgy radio shows like Elvis Duran.

So uh...you want me to suck you first?



I approve of this message.

At least a minor douchechill on this one

even in this state, i have to admit that opie stinks. fuck opie (upvotes to the left)

When my wife passed away, you guys were the only thing...


AsinineBob wants in bad.

AsinineBob. Where you at with this?

Opie would go to any caller anytime... Especially when the boys were on a roll without him.