In 5 years when Kelsey Cook has a hit show on Comedy Central, do you think Norton will be bitter?

6  2016-07-20 by Wolosocu


her problem is that she is a caucasian, christian background, cis-female comedian who dates white men. If she was a jewish lesbian, i'd say, she has a show by the end of the year, but not gonna happen. jim can relax somewhat.

I'm really rooting for this Aryan beauty but I don't like her chances. Unless she turns into a mudshark or makes them a fuckload of shekels.

same reasons she'll never be famous

Jim looks like another dickless worm in that picture

The funniest part is that he definitely looks here and knows that we see through his "she's a good comic" bullshit and know he's trying to fuck her so it would be that much more embarrassing for him to stop "helping" her.

The name of the tour is so edgy and crude!

He's used to it, he's been surpassed by every opener and colleague he's ever had.

He's stockpiling signed photos now for his celeb wall to prepare for the eventuality.

In 5 years, Norton will have been dead from AIDS for 4 years.

and Kelsey Cook on Comedy Central? C'mon man. Comedy Central isn't giving a white, funny, white, heterosexual, white comedian who is attractive a television show on their network.

You went all the way back to February on Kelsey cooks twitter for a shit post. This is way people assume you live in your parents basement

It's her pinned tweet.
