Horrendous Greggshells. Tits even needs to have how the show works explained to him

7  2016-07-20 by chrb13


So cringey hearing Anthony tip toe on the Greggshells, I don't know if I could be that civil with a guy I truly hate.

53:41 for the sniff

EDIT - Also 53:48, 53:53 and 54:04. The Opester's feelings must've been hurt bad for this sniff-fest to result.

The only reason it really got to him is because he knows Ant's right

Jesus fuck. In hindsight, I think I hate Anthony more for this. When Opie sighs like a faggot and goes 'alright enough!' That's your cue to hold your ground like a man. I'm supposed to believe this dick head would defend himself in the event of a home invasion? He couldn't even stand up to his ex-wife or his co-host.

You underestimate the power of Greggshells
