Remember that time that JJ Abrams almost started something with Opie?

39  2016-07-20 by Wolosocu

It's a good thing he dodged that bullet! Otherwise Star Wars could have seriously suffered at the box office!


Once JJ heard about the opesters mob connection he backed off.

Don't forget his psycho brothers

He's also got the Philly crew behind him.

You wanna ppllaayy Mr JJ?

I honestly get triggered at every mention of said crew. Douche overload.


Try to think about what the Philly crew talk about when Opie isn't there


Do we still have the Philly crew video anywhere?

No I don't remember and I bet neither does JJ.

They settled it in full scuba gear..

JJ isn't French.

JJ taking a big risk messing with the destroyer.

Opie is still getting him back. Slowly. You don't think that car rolled down the drive by itself killing one of his actors did you?

Just look at what happened when Donald Trump Jr ticked off Opie. No longer on the show, whatever happened to that guy?

I missed the speech last. It was probably an apology to tits and fam.

He said he was raised around 3 different pairs of tits that's why he feels so comfortable on Opie's show.

My favorite was the completely made up feud with Adam Corolla. And all those cringe inducing phone calls from brother Elmo...I'm thoroughly convinced that 'douche' runs in the Hughes DNA.

Remind me what happened ?

He missed an interview or something?

Yeah, I remember he was on the show once, but that's it.

He was a Friend of the ShowTM who got Too Big for the ShowTM so faaaaawwkk that guy, see if we ever promote his faaawwwkin movies ever again!