How would 3'12" bisexual comic Jim Morton's life be different if he were tall?

2  2016-07-20 by chrb13


"That's a tough one, man. I dunno."

If he is 3'12" then wouldn't that be 4'?

It would. I'll do better next time.

I just immediately thought of the Loveline caller who said he was 5'12, almost 6 foot.

He'd have to drop to his knees to please his partners.

It would make him threatening and every joke or story looked at differently. He probably wouldve gotten married and killed himself.

im sure all the ufc guys would respect him then! he might even get to co-host with his all-hetro buddy RoJoe!

Probably wouldn't have picked fights with Henry Rollins, Chris Jericho or Jesse Ventura in situations he was 100% physically safe from them.

You mean safe because he had the lumbering retard protecting him; or safe because he's so tiny that those guys wouldn't even consider hitting such a defenseless little creature?

Safe because one of them was on the phone and none of them were going to ruin their career over a chip on his shoulder little shit getting in their face.


that faggot Henry Rollins was over the phone

Women would be attracted to him so he wouldn't need to resort to fucking dudes with tits.

He'd just fuck them for fun on the side.

Also with his increased body mass he wouldn't have got drunk off one beer at 15 and never would have needed to go to rehab.

He's 3'12. Almost 4 feet.
