Can we get Ant banned from twitter?

57  2016-07-20 by Dennyislife



It's very doable. Just need to build a dossier of documented racial abuse. You don't need to scroll far enough to find "problematic" stuff in his timeline and badger @jack and @support with it.

Upvote if this is what the proletariat desires.

There you go Oswald, now go do it.

Sending stuff to @verified might get his blue check mark removed, which would probably hurt more than a ban. I don't want to see either happen, though. i find his Twitter interesting no matter how misguided.

I sure hope nobody uses this to legitimise parody accounts of him...

Jeez I hate Ant, but I can't advocate this kind of shit

tss, yeah, well why don't you subtractvocate it or sumthin!

Grand slam!

Fawkin' buried that sock-cooker

Yeah you faggots have really gone too far. I don't like Milo either but what happened to him was completely unjust and politically motivated.

Seriously, it's starting to remind me of trolling Chris Chan, there was some funny stuff about fucking with him but it really got weird and obsessive and getting the guy banned from Twitter is fucked up.

Stick to the Antwan Kumiya shit, that's humorous, this is just fucking gay.


Poor fella can't use an app made for 13 year old girls to whine. Boo hoo.

Not only that, but this sub does derive some entertainment from Anthony's tweets.

How can we make fun of him if his idiocy isn't as easily made public?

If he just loses his verified tag it'll be guaranteed gold. He'll still tweet and feel even less likely to censor himself or hold himself to any sort of standard.

How can we make fun of him if his idiocy isn't as easily made public?

There is absolutely no way Anthony doesn't find another online outlet for his blandness if he gets booted from twitter. He can't help himself.

Maybe he'll come here and cut out the middleman.

He will just create a new one. I dont care about seeing him censored but the aggravation losing a social media account temporarily will cause a 55 year old man is still funny to me.

Forget Antwan Kumiya; Forget Sue Lightning - getting Ant banned from Twitter would easily be the greatest thing this sub has ever accomplished. I honestly think Ant would rather go to prison for a few months than get banned from Twitter.

His Howard Hughes-esque existence is only tempered by the fact that he can get his anger out via Twitter every night - drunkenly arguing with total strangers about the most stupid shit. Not to mention, the narcissistic old wop, much like his functioning retard of a brother, think it's absolutely imperative that the world hear his every thought on politics, current affairs, race and gun control. Ant would go crazy without this outlet.

I have full faith in you guys to make this happen.

He really does think he has carte blanche to be as openly racist as he wants now he's no longer employed by Sirius.

He does have carte blanche though.

For now. Don't underestimate the autistic abilities and dedication of this sub.

That sounds delicious.

You're 2 years too late.

Maybe 7

Honestly, with the way Twitter is it's surprising he doesn't get banned for saying he doesn't like "colored women.."

I miss the good old days when you could just say nigger bitch and nobody would blink an eye....

u can still can if your a nigger

@Nero is probably gone for life, and he didn't even say anything racist: He just didn't stop his fans from going ham. So if he got booted, they'd definitely throw Ant out too.

I would laugh for days if this happened.

dont push it .. his time will come, when its all he has left

It is all he has left.

I'd love it if it happened from a purely funny standard, but I mean I feel like it would have happened already if it could have without him going after the Ghostbusters chick or threatening people directly.

How about "we" kill ourself guys!? Lets face it, it would make the world a better place...

Go to a BLM riot/protest and scream "NIGGERS!" in the middle of the mob. That should do it.

I think that's part of his probation.


Didnt you guys try this last year?

But without Twitter, how the fuck is he supposed to groom 40 year old men pretending to be 14 year old girls?!

But will Lil' Beavis still tweet?


If Milo can get banned for saying Ghostbusters sucked, then I don't really think this will be hard at all.



Nah he doesn't say anything that bad compared to what Milo usually says

Hi Ant! XD


I'm gonna be honest here. I largely agree with Ant's politics and I'm shocked this sub doesn't.

I suspect most probably do but it's just too funny to fuck with him and pretend otherwise

This sub just wants to watch the world burn.

This sub is infested with sjw, who never were a fan of the show, or even heard of it. Until a nigger whore beat a skinny little wop about the head and shoulders in time square. They not give a shit about O&A, all they see is a couple white privileged straight men, that need to be brought down.

It's the same user names over and over


Srsly though, are people pretending to be snowflakes offended by ant to fuck with him or do we genuinely have a bunch of fags who are offended by his opinions?

snowflake sjw fags, by the dozen. Who read the blaze/gawker articles about a white rich racist oppressing a afro nigga american ho in the big city and followed the links here

This sub is no longer a small group of former fans. It has gained enough heat from the gawkers of the world that some of those fringe faggots have come and joined us. Maybe we are all the same.

It's not that. The guy is just fucking obsessed with race. You can't expect people to buy into you wanting to have an "OPEN AND HONEST" discussion when you take any opportunity to scream the SAME shit day in and day out. It's so obviously not about that if you're that invested.

Also, he's just been documented as being wrong about so many things. All his Obama predictions, gun control shit, race events like the Black Panthers starting some war. Just wrong. Time and time again. How about Bin Laden? The guy was so sure Obama would never step on anyones toes to get him, and the guy sent a team of Seals into a country without their consent to shoot him in the face. Does he admit he was absolutely, undeniably wrong about what Obama would do? Of course not. We get the "WELL ANY1 WULD HAVE DUN IT BAMA DIDN"T LIKE GITMO" cop out bullshit. Just admit you were wrong. But he can't. Because its not about that.

I never had a problem with him having an opinion, but once literally hours of O&A shows were dedicated to him screaming the same shit about blacks and guns he did the day prior, it just got really old. How many fucking times did we need to hear "THE 911 GUY DIDN'T TELL HIM TO NOT GET OUT OF HIS VEHICLE!!!"? It's just never enough with the guy and its so obvious hes the one not being honest, and that's the problem I have with him.

A lotta people become fans back when Ant was funny, not all are political types

He is funny imo. I still agree with him on a lot of issues and I suspect a lot of the guys on this sub do, too.

I'd rather someone have the balls to speak their mind than sit on the fence all the time like opie.

for me the difference is yes, Ant can be funny, but when he starts his show with 30 minutes of repeating the same 3 stances he always does he doesn't try to be funny. I just want him to go back to focusing on funny first not shock political talk

Yeah his show mostly sucks. I even agree with him on most of his shit, but I am not tuning in to hear pseudo rush limbaugh. Actually, I pretty much don't tune in anyomore.


Srsly though, are people pretending to be snowflakes offended by ant to fuck with him or do we genuinely have a bunch of fags who are offended by his opinions?

It's the same user names over and over