Why doesn't that ghostbusters broad just get off the internet?

5  2016-07-19 by Mr702law

It's asinine that she's battling with people and legit crying about how bad this is and she is going on Twitter and whatnot on her own and subjecting herself to this.


She can't turn her laptop off without smashing it with a rock.


Jane Goodall usually helps her do it

Actually she's studying it. The lower primate's behavioral dynamics on social media. Its a new scientific paper she's working on.

Same problem with Anthony, they need to be liked.

Ant at least had almost unanimous internet praise for a decade before it all collapsed on him. This chick has been on peoples radar for a year at most. Our fearless leader must have been more incredulous as people turned on him.

I think it deals with a constant need for attention, whether it be good or bad, in both cases. People like this love it when people praise them, but will also shine a light on any negative because it brings in more people to worship at the alter of them. Bunch of narcissistic cunts, in short.

I'm pretty sure it was a publicity stunt. She is playing into the hands of the trolls on purpose for publicity so more people will go out and see Ghostbusters. She got a shit load of publicity for it. Mission accomplished from her point of view.

Could you say the word "publicity" 400 more times?

I was more bothered by his username, but you make a good point.

aloud or typed?

I'm guessing the fucking mongoloids that post here all say everything they type aloud anyways.

It was an obvious easy way to become a victim fast.

Shes had probably a dozen victim plays in her past and a dozen more up her sleeve, but yeah, this one was the easiest this week.

Well obviously it's a publicity stunt if you look at it from a publicity point of view. But it's hard to tell if she's looking for publicity or she was just expressing herself and didn't understand that it could lead to more negative publicity. But you know what they say, even bad publicity is good publicity.


I don't see how being called a nigger ape on twitter is going to equate to enough ticket sales to save the movie. It might distract from the news about how awful it is doing though.

People are seeing it out of spite. Better than people ignoring it.

Are they though? What about all those people posting pictures of empty theaters.


There are people posting about how they've seen it 3 or 4 times already and challenging people to match them.

A minority seeing the movie multiple times doesn't even come close to cancelling out large numbers of empty screenings opening week.

I didn't say it was a good plan

Because she's getting tons and tons of free publicity by playing the victim. She could have just shut down her Twitter account 15 minutes into the bombardment, but now she's going to making headlines for at least the next few days.

Because being a stupid helpless victim is a perfect way to get famous these days.

Because shes been in show business for a long time, finally got some shine from SNL's diversity hires and two big movies. Now shes getting the attention she felt she always deserved and is shocked, SHOCKED, that there isnt universal praise. Grow a tougher skin, block people, and understand that becoming (somewhat) famous doesnt mean people have to be nice to you all the time.

The liberty to say cruel things outway the need to not have your feelings hurt. And as an adult you should be able to handle cruel words.

in the wise words of Tyler, The Creator:

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

You may be autistic.

Its surprising they hired some one to sign all those tweets to her. She really should take Greggs advice and leave it alone. How do you say nigger or sheboon in ASL?

She's a cunt

Didn't know it could type, I thought they only communicated is sign language.

She's too brave

she is announcing she is giving into the hate and leaving twitter like a real brave strong woman would

It's like when black people were complaining about the KKK burning crosses on their lawns. Just move, and you won't be subjected to it!

I'm guessing the fucking mongoloids that post here all say everything they type aloud anyways.