Artie Lange Vs Amy Fischer's Husband

7  2016-07-19 by iWhereSchortSchorts


He looks like the type of guy you'd see eating clams at the bar of a strip mall italian restaurant.

And her husband looks like somebody who rents a 23 year old Ferrari to trick club bimbos into thinking he has money.

lol Artie is coked off his tits here.

I was thinking Vicodin or something like that because he's pretty damn cocky here in a weird way.

i believe this is during the era where heroin was making him a great radio performer. he has his glasses on and his cig. obviously it wouldn't last forever but he was great during the first 2 sirius years.

One of my favorite Artie moments.

This sub must have nothing if we are posting stern shit now. Still one of my favorite artie moments though. Such a weird scene. You got ham hands bill there, ralph the fag, and some ex cop who did a porn with a lady who murdered someone.

fuck it, here's one of my favorite howard stern moments