It didn't even take one day before the news articles came out

0  2016-07-19 by Ted_Shekler


Let's be real if she looked like beyonce this wouldn't be happening. This is an ugly issue not a racial one.

It'd still be happening but she'd just be successful enough to ignore it entirely. Im sure Beyonce gets entire catalogs of her own headshots covered in jizz.

Beyoncé also probably doesn't even know how Twitter works or gives two fucks about it. Why do these people spend time on Twitter and respond to tweets?


Couldn't this be planned to further the agenda of Sony that the reason it made no money was because of the "neckbeard MRA Twitter trolls" it's too convenient.

Also, thermite paint

Gotta get those clicks

I'm glad she exposed those tweets. Gave me some good laughs.

I never thought I'd see the day where Danny Glover wears a dress.

She's 48? I mean, she looks 60, but she just started on SNL so I thought she may be a really ugly 33.
