Joe DeRosa relates with Leslie Jones.

0  2016-07-19 by [deleted]



He's right. Ignoring them is no good. Follow Joe's method of tossing them into a gas chamber. All 6 million of them.

You're nearly a goddamn 40 year old man Joe, stop wasting your time crying about faggoty shit on the internet, you shoulderless pathetic fuck

At least he isnt defending batman vs superman as the thinking mans summer blockbuster anymore.

"Hmmm... How can I make this about me?"

This tweet makes me want to hatefully attack him.


2016-07-19 00:24:35 UTC

Anyone who's ever been attacked by hateful Internet trolls knows anyone telling @Lesdoggg to "just ignore them" needs to shut the fuck up.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]


I don't even get what he's trying to say

He @ mentioned her. LOOK AT ME LEZ! I'm not like those evil racist people!