Iowa Rep. Steve King pulling a page out of the Book of Cumia at the RNC, claiming whites did everything

0  2016-07-19 by [deleted]



"Let me note for the record that if you're looking at the ledger of Western civilization, for every flourishing democracy, you have Hitler and Stalin as well."

Yeah and nearly every non-western country on the planet is run by a Hitler or Stalin you stupid fuck

I don't even get how this is supposed to be controversial, Western Civilization is the shit. Most of these SJW faggots wouldn't even be alive in other countries. The fact that we have freedom of speech is proof enough that we're superior, especially compared to Muslim countries where you could get your arms cut off for stealing bread.

Aw, poor Jimmy can't wear his tight jeans to the Kabul Improv.

Sub-Saharan Africa has never really done much - tis true. However, it has more to do with the diversity of non-related languages and the lack of domesticated animals available to them.

Yet Europe had 100's of languages in even closer proximity. Lack of domesticated animals? There was a lack because they FAILED TO DOMESTICATE WILD ANIMALS. Domesticated animals didn't just appear out of nowhere, they were bred by humans!

Yo, dopey. Do some research. Believe it or not, languages are often related. Think of a set of grandparents. In Europe you might have two sets of grandparents and in Sub-Saharan Africa you might have 6 sets of grandparents. Even if Europe has more languages, if they are related (as they are) its easier to communicate than with fewer languages that are totally unrelated.

As to the animals - why do people not ride zebras? Do you think its from lack of trying? The domesticated animals that we have now were domesticated because they COULD be domesticated. Dummy.

Here is a good book related to the subject - its a wonderful read (seriously):

Africa is well known for its ancient temples, cultural contributions to philosophy, politics and science, stable governments and a respect for human rights.

Who can forget the "african" flag on the moon? And all the "Mombassa" brand cell phones?

Egypt is in Africa genius.

Egyptians aren't black.

You aren't smart. Here you go dumb guy, read about some black people monuments:

How does this relate to my comment about Egyptians being black? Actual black Africans did very little, but given that the average IQ for Africans is so much lower than the rest of the world it only makes sense for them to do so little.

Oh they didn't start those civilizations? My bad. Sweet chart.

I never said any of that. I just pointed out that Egyptians aren't black(genetically they are still closely related to ancient Egyptians) then you got mad and started taking about random black civilizations.

Ancient egyptians wernt negroid, they were caucasoid and were part of the mixing of cultures around the Mediterranean including Greeks, Minoans etc.

Name another "african" civilization?

The Songhai Empire. Axum Empire, Kingdom of Ghana....Read a book lead brain.

Lol nice google job you hypocrite. No one knows about them in common culture because they hardly left anything that European archeologists could find.

Whats next, King Solomon?

hardly left anything that European archeologists could find.

Yup, not a damn thing.

I thought they just didn't exist according to you, wanna make up your mind? Would you like your 3rd alt account to make it up for you?

HARDLY. you found 1 thing. Lol. How did they influence western society or pass down ANY culture? They died out. Please dont be a pseudo intellectual and google shit you never heard of before 10 minutes ago

I'm sorry, are we supposed to be impressed by these?

Re-read what i said about ancient egypt and the Mediterranean.

That's Sudan bright boy.

The obelisks arnt paseed down from egyptians. Ok buddy.

Name some ancient african philosophers, scientists or unique architecture (llike the roman arch, not the shit they got from egypt)

No they didn't invent that shape. Or build those. Done embarrasing yourself there bright boy?

Obelisks are symbols of the sun god. Whos the sudanese (post egyptian) sun god?

These arnt civilizations that made any contribution to the world. They were mishmashes of previous civs and died out

But I thought they didn't even exist?

Aha! I never said that I said they died out and had no impact.

No one knows about them in common culture because they hardly left anything that European archeologists could find.

Hardly. Key word

Not in common knowledge = obscure.

What the fuck do you think common knowledge is I just fucking googled all this in ten seconds. Come on flop sweat, your argument's coming apart here.

What parts of modern civ did they contribute? Why cant you answer that? It was my main point

Ask a 10 year old about ancient greece then ask him about ancient africa

Well it's your main point now because you just got stomped and you're changing your argument sure. But here's a quote I hypocritically googled:

"Those piles of ruins which you see in the narrow valley watered by the Nile are the remains of opulent cities, the pride of the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia [here the whole of Africa, not the present day country of Ethiopia]. There a people, now forgotten, discovered while others were yet barbarians the elements of the arts and sciences. A race of men, now rejected from society for their sable skin and frizzled hair, founded on the study of the laws of nature those civil and religious systems which still govern the universe."

-Count Volney, Whoever the fuck that was, (1793)

"Africa is well known for its ancient temples, cultural contributions to philosophy, politics and science, stable governments and a respect for human rights.

Who can forget the "african" flag on the moon? And all the "Mombassa" brand cell phones?"

How many people visit the Parthenon every year? How many people visit sudanese ruins?

Sorry dude, you google obscure civs that died in the dust of history Without any contribution. Theres my original point up thete at the top

Yes, that's the stupid shit you started this failure of an argument with. What about it? If you wanna start over again just re read all my previous insults I don't have time to think up new ones.

Its true. Western civ is better. All its foundations contributed science, politics etc. Why cant you answer the question?

That's not a question bright boy you're just jumping up and down screaming "WEST IS BEST, ACCEPT IT. SHOW ME ONE AFRICAN CIVILIZATION." I show you ten, And you're asking why none of the buildings have arches. YOU LOSE. GOOD DAY SIR. Make a fourth alt and start over.

Dont run coward. What has africa contributed to modern civ?

Africa is well known for its ancient temples, cultural contributions to philosophy, politics and science, stable governments and a respect for human rights.

Who can forget the "african" flag on the moon? And all the "Mombassa" brand cell phones?

Africa is NOT well known for its ruins.

That shit wasn't funny the first 15 times you made that joke though so why repeat it?

Because you didnt read the word "hardly" in it.

Pretty much all your clinging to at this point huh. Solid argument buddy not a single monument or civilization out there. You broke the case. I'm gonna go get stoned I'll humiliate you later.

How does the word "hardly" imply nothing? I said theyre not well known. Your making a strawman out of my argument because you dont have the intellectual integrity to admit you misread my first comment

LOGICAL FALLACY LOGICAL FALLACY!!!! Yea you're just fucking treading water boy.

Youve fallen back on insults and jokes. Why arnt you googling ancient african scientists or artists? You lost

Dude, you still havent named any original contributions from them

Yea I'm still arguing against the shitty points you were starting off with. Ill get to destroying you by simply googling that shit in a bit.

Go ahead. Youll find arab muslims practically inventing chemistry, expanding on roman medical knowledge, astronomy. Greeks had democracy, The european enlightment led to human rights and industrial revolution.

Africa did what?

How many of my comments are you furiously repeating yourself replying to right now I'm having trouble keeping track.



Ah Youre conceding. Coward

Western civ is a product of chinese, indian, euroopean and middle eastern civs. Not african civs

Dont get angry that africa contributes almost nothing

Did you just ask if I was mad, bro? So you're tapping out?

Im not going anywhere. What has ancient africa contributed to modern civ? Philosophers, scientists, poets, artists?

Common knowledge huh? Thats university level specialization in archeology. And i dont see democracy or arches being invented by these dead civs

My original point still stands. They had no impact on modern civ.

Same for South America

He's not wrong.

As someone from his state I can assure you that this is the tip of the quote iceberg for this guy.

Sweet. Wish I could vote for him.

Are you an inventor, or do you know an inventor who needs their idea patented?


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This is the craziest thing that was said in that article: "If you're really optimistic, you can say that this is the last time that old white people will command the Republican party's attention, its platform, its public face"

You'd have to be delusional, not optimistic.


What parts of modern civ did they contribute? Why cant you answer that? It was my main point

Ask a 10 year old about ancient greece then ask him about ancient africa


Ah Youre conceding. Coward

Western civ is a product of chinese, indian, euroopean and middle eastern civs. Not african civs

Yet Europe had 100's of languages in even closer proximity. Lack of domesticated animals? There was a lack because they FAILED TO DOMESTICATE WILD ANIMALS. Domesticated animals didn't just appear out of nowhere, they were bred by humans!