The worm is front and center. What a zilch.

9  2016-07-18 by SteveTech74


Ol' natural body language Norton looks like an amputee with 2 prosthetic arms screwed on.

He looks like a mannequin from Old Navy.

He looks like a mannequin from Old Lady.

This looks like the first episode of a podcast devoted to male pattern baldness.

Jim actually thinks he looks attractive now lol

He looks like a progeria kid that survived

I don't know who any of these people other than Morton, Tits, and bobby.

The black guy looks like Keenan Ivory Wayans.

Bobby looks like a kindly old Chinese woman.

What does Bobby not understand about how bad those glasses look on his face?

The magic of baldopie - I figure he already got to this one looking at Opie. He looks like a weirwood tree from Game of Thrones.

Danny looks like shit.

everyone looks totally comfortable, titster in particular.

I haaaaaaate Jimmy's old man shoes

DMC should have continued drinking.

The stick one leg out in front thing is something they tell women to do at red carpets to appear as slim as possible. What a fucking vain asshole.

Bawby looks like Frank Reynolds without the skullet.

Who is Joe Steroid next to DMC? When your bicep is 9x bigger than your calf, you're doing it wrong.

For me, that devil horns faggotry is the most cringe inducing thing someone can do.

He's such a tiny old little dude. He looks like Benjamin button with AIDS. Probably like the 50th person to make that joke.

That forced unnatural smile he always does makes him look like an animatronic. I, Robot-looking motherfucker.

Maybe the weird armed worm could start incorporating some weights in to his exercise regimen.

I want Big Jim Morton there

Biggest motherfucker in there. Hell yes

why is jimmy wearing retard janitor shoes?

Look at Norton's arms and the arms of the guy two to the left from him. I wonder if Jim is still claiming he has an elbow injury

He looks like he's doing the hokey-pokey. And a Black Sabbath tee-shirt? I didnt know he was a fan.

What bizarre orthopedic shoes does the worm wear?

That same Jim Morton pose no matter where he is