0  2016-07-18 by MilliBotany



You ever seen a grown man naked?

Penis size?

5 inches. From the ground!

Do you have a PAN card to give me before dying suddenly?

Sudden death? What am I, in overtime or somethin'? tsstss

Is it true you have ties with a former terrorist leader, having provided him technical advice while he was in the field in the sixties under the US's direct employ?

"I'll take WORDS THAT RHYME WITH 'SILVER' for $300, Alex!"

Oh go have a heart attack in an Alaskan blacksite

Remember the darpa chief from mgs?

Remember him? How could I forget!

That son-of-a-whore till owes me a steak! haha

U U Uhuru...?

Do eagles have large talons?

jfk: conspiracy or Lee Harvey Oswald?

I go with BLT.

Plus Oswald was a conspiracy unto himself.

A Bronx boy who knew Russian so good,

he fooled his Russian wife into believing he was Russian.

yup. Oswald to me reeks of being some kind of intelligence asset. thank you for your shervish.

He was a Commie! A liar! A NAVY seal-a-meal!

Have you tried NSI-189? What were the results/take aways from the studies?

I don't really work for DARPA.

What with all the talk lately about the latest chapter

in Worm's bilking of his ever-dwindling fanbase with a non-existant

"cartoon project", and me having nothing to contribute to that subject,

I was feeling somewhat left out, so I started this topic

in the hopes of gaining some much needed attention. I hope you don't mind.

You're a faggot and I look forward to your death.

Now, now ....

Name-calling will get us nowhere, Irving Insult!

Don't upvote me you drunkard.

How do you know it was me?

I'm psychic you shit


Do we have the technology to make a robot Reagan?

