Opie gay??

0  2016-07-18 by RBuddCumia

We talk on this sub a lot about the repressed homosexuality in both Morton and Tranthony but I think we are forgetting Tits. The guy who did all that gay frat shit and was behind all those bits where East Side Dave put shit up his ass and walked around the studio naked. And while it was a great bit, the whole up and down game with Bobo came off a tad weird. I mean who's first idea for tormenting the retarded is making them strip nude? Maybe calling him names would be a good start. Just wondering, fellas


Probably not. He's really untalented though, so theres that.

Don't forget he looked at Danny's dick and got all insecure when called out about it. Dear god, all 3 of them are as gay as AIDS.

As gay as aids wearing pastel shorts

He's definitely not gay but I'd bet money on him touching dicks with friends when he was a kid.