Bobby Lee's response to the PC brigade attacking comics

7  2016-07-18 by frrunkis


I love Bobby, but I think his politics are batshit. He thinks conservative is synonymous with slave-owner and that Christianity is still the most oppressive religion.

big difference between walking out over saucy language and campaigning to deprive someone of their livelihood over a difference in opinion.

O&A had it right: if you don't like it, change the channel. If you don't like a performer, you have every right to stop watching.

He would be one of my favorite people, but his politics are about as regressive as any sjw. In his episode reacting to the Orlando shooting he went on a diatribe about Christianity without ever mentioning Islam. He then said he won't associate with people who hold radical views, such as being against gay marriage... And then without any irony, said that people who don't want more Muslims here just don't have any Muslim friends like he does.


Since when is TJ a cuck?


I wish he'd have Nick DiPaulo on.

That's not the right spelling.

I've been on the internet for awhile now, i have a general idea of who does the majority of the sjw annoying complaining...

is bobby in the wrong here or do i not get out enough?

He's confusing empty comedy shows because people are perturbed by his material with SJW's trying to get people fired with public shaming for saying offensive things.

i had to look up what 'perurbed' meant but this makes sense now

Ya dummy (I had no idea either)

Jim Jeffries said he receives 40 to 50 hatemail per day on a quiet day because of his anti gun shaningans, he had gotten up to 700 per day.

How the fuck is the right wing any better. Pretty much the same level of retarded


Yeah but have you heard of any activists trying to get him run out of the business for it?

How could they? If the right wingers had any pull in showbiz they would surely run him out.

Just because the situation is like this doesn't mean right wingers are somewhat the good guys. They do protest shows and shit like that

There are plenty of reasons to hate the hardcore right wingers, but right now you're just being a sports fan. Your team is taking some heat and you're trying to deflect. Just be honest - the SJWs and PC crowd that force entertainers / companies to give apologies are overwhelming liberal leftists.

Yeah that's pretty much what I said, the left runs showbiz.

it's sects of both parties. the lunatics. and most people don't give a shit. the internet doesn't matter

also his gf is a cunt. I wish Patrice was around to have the chance to shut her fucking mouth and destroy her

Haha I domt know what Patrice has to do with this. He's been dead a while bub.

How could they? If the right wingers had any pull in showbiz they would surely run him out.

Just because the situation is like this doesn't mean right wingers are somewhat the good guys. They do protest shows and shit like that