Bobo isnt a mod anymore?

28  2016-07-18 by Nulltor

I just noticed /u/bobonyc103 isnt a mod anymore. Was there a coup based on sexual jealousy? Did Bobo leave to concentrate on his career? Im not showering until I get answers.



If I had to make a random guess is that they figured no one would notice and it wasnt worth the risk of someone hacking the account and deleting this whole thing or something?

yeah "hacking". there is no way his password isn't a combination of mrmaloonigans and his birthday. and that's overestimating him, it's most likely just schnoodle.




no answers, no shower. solidarity.

I'm guessing it's because the joke had run it's course and was no longer funny.

If you think having a retard with a comically deformed penis modding this sub isnt funny then I dont know what to tell you.

I thought that was a requirement to be mod.

That and internet access.

If we were going to retire jokes that had run their course then what would we ever talk about?



He hasn't posted anything for 145 days so fuck him.

The people abusing him in real life were looking out for him. You know, protecting him from the mean /r/opieandanthony community

Remember the time we beat him, sprayed him with cleaning supplies, and called him "N_person"


Did get a handy from a pornstar though. Also a show that matched his refined sensibilities.

this is a fucking travesty. we need his guidance more than ever

As unimportant as it is, I would also like to know who made the decision to remove him as moderator, and why

He had no privileges other than his username being displayed on the sidebar


-... .- -.-. -.- / - --- / ....- -.-. .... .- -. / ..-. .- --. --. --- -

.--- .. -- / -- --- .-. ... . - --- -.

Ha! You shower? What are you? A fag?

You weren't going to shower anyway.

I nothing sacred to these people, first lil' Jimmy Morton and now this?

All that power went to his head. His enormous square head.

He's a rocker now.

He was funny for a while. Now he's not. Fuck him.

First the ottomans started fussing in Constantinople now this


Bobo couldn't moderate a dead fruitfly.