What will be writen on disgraced 4'11" alcoholic paedophile Anthony Cumia's gravestone?

0  2016-07-18 by chrb13

Since many of you predict/hope for Mr Cumia's death in the other thread I think this is worth some thought.

I'm gonna go for -

Anthony "Dead" Cumia

He Loved peckas


"The niggers will probably steal this, too."

Where the fuck is my pulse?!?!

Height has nothing to do with it you fucking asshole.

You dont realize the genuine sadness I felt upon finding out this wasnt the real person.

Here lies Anthony Cumia: he just got tinier.

He just got tinder too.

Joke's on you, Anthony is actually two thousand years old and will outlive the entirety of this subreddit.


Here lies Anthony Cumia... and why not?

I thought he was 4'8"?

Gregg, I wish I knew how to quit you.

No gravestone. His leaching siblings will have him cremated because it's cheaper and then fight each other for the person who has to store the Xanax dust in their garage.

"You're delusional"

"please jiggle the handle"