I had a run-in with a SJW man-hating lesbian last night at a party...

0  2016-07-17 by Mr702law

I had never had an interaction with one of these in person before and if you haven't, I assure you they're real.

Early in the conversation everything turned to how women are getting screwed in pretty much every facet of life. I was biting my tongue quite a bit but I kept drinking and took a few shots... And I couldn't help it. So I brought up the Stanford rape case.

She of course was outraged. I said the frustrating part about that debate to me was that they treat a 20 year old guy who got wasted at a college party and exercised very bad judgment the same as a shrub lurking rapist. She could not see the distinction. I finally had to say: who's worse? 1) guy who gets in his car and says he's going to find a pedestrian to run over ; or 2) a guy who has to much to drink, drives and ends up hitting a pedestrian. She conceded #1 but believe it or not, took me five minutes to get her there.

Also, as evidence of how bad women have it she pointed out how you can rape them and only get six months in jail. I accused her of citing abnormalities as the norm and the only reason she's even aware of that case is how abnormal it was.

She kept citing statistics, like 33% of women get raped. I started making up statistics like 25% of women sexually harassed said they wouldn't have been bothered if the guy was hot. This infuriated her.

My only regret is I didn't bring up the new Ghostbusters

Edit: I forgot the best part. She wasn't actually a lesbian at all. She was married and her husband was sitting beside her. The word cuck is overused but this guy was classic cuck. At one point he tried to speak and she actually shushed him and when he continued to try, she covered his mouth. At the end of the night I winded up telling him I feel sorry for him. He just smiled. Poor bastard.


So why do you hang out with faggots?

It was a birthday party for a friends of my gf's. Nothing I would have gone to on my own accord. In fact I brought a guy friend also to make sure I'd have someone to hang out with.

Beeba Las Begas you 702 area code having dork

So let me get this straight, you went to a party and did this, on purpose?

Great story, did you sing the proud boys anthem to her after you finished telling this broad what's what?


To hate feminists you dont have to be alt right

I pictured you saying that with the Virginia Tech shooters voice hope you don't mind.

I like your facial hair.

Maybe not. But when you call people that disagree with you cucks instead of faggots you do.

I let her know I would use my one masturbation a month to fantasize about her.

You should have just told her that you understand entirely. Your best friend is a model, slim attractive, doing a degree in engineering on top of her degree in chemistry. Men lust after her all the time. One guy took it too far at a party and she had to call the police. You were furious and were there for her. Attractive sexy women have it so bad. Just because a 27 year old woman has the body of a cheerleader and the brains of an engineer doesn't mean she deserves to be sexually assaulted. What is wrong with men? Can't they just respect an attractive athletic young woman for her brains! Men are the worst!

Also she eats a ton of pizza to deal with stress but never seems to put on weight. You're super jealous!

Why the fuck are you having these conversations to begin with?

Too long to bother reading it. Did it end with the usual "And I fucked the lesbian right outta her with my big giant peckah!! Double guns cocksuckahs!!"?

"I got drunk at a party and insulted some guys wife. AMA"

If you hung out with these wastes of life because of your "gf" then you are the cuck.

The word cuck is overused but this guy was classic cuck

But that's not being a cuckold at all, he sounds like a nebbishy little bitch.

I mean I could see this broad getting railed by some guy in the name of feminism and her husband buying whatever horseshit reason she has as to why it's part of her cause

She have big titties?

I've met a few straight, SJW feminists, and their men have always been totally passive wet blankets.

The ones that are pushy about it face to face are always the same. She was probably like a 5 or 6? The husband was probably a decent catch himself. But she's delusional and thinks she's a 9 and deserves a tall, dark handsome man who makes a million a year.

She was looking for validation from you since she viewed you as better than her husband. Silence or changing the subject won't work. She wants you to agree or she will try to browbeat you into submission. Just walk away next time.

You are spot on. I could t understand why his guy was with her. It seemed like he could do so much better.


I don't believe you.

This place seems to be getting less liberal...


Oh, who cares? Post this to proud boys.