I stumbled across this sub a few minutes ago

11  2016-07-17 by [deleted]



you seem like a nice enough fella so I suggest you get out of here while you can and forget this place even exists...also, go fuck yourself you freckled fruit.

This sub has jaded me to the point where I'm convinced you're a regular poster here using one of his alternate accounts rather than an actual outsider.

Of course he is.




You have the voice of an angel. Would you like to be " mates "?


Sorry dude your internet crapped out for a second there. What did you say?

Go away Mick faggot.


you're alright, ya redheaded fuck

"What's weird is that from skimming several posts it just seems like you hate everyone on the show"

Go shit on a doily

If I remember correctly when the show was still together the sub was mostly positive but would mock one staff member at a time for some minor annoyance, after the break up it turned completely against Opie, then completely against Jim, and finally against Ant, and now it's just entertainment for former fans since all hope of those 3 shitheads making anything entertaining is long gone.

Well I don't know about that. There's always en'ertainment round hyar; granted it's now exclusively laughing at them rather than with them but it sure warms my cockles.


Guys like ronnie b, colin quinn,and patrice are still loved around here. It's true we hate ant jimmy and opie but a lot of us would probably be pretty happy if those 3 got back together

As long as you listen to old clips on YouTube and come to the conclusion that Opie is the biggest cunt in the world, you're okay with me, future drunk.
Now go home and make me some fucking potato whiskey.

Someone should defiantly write a movie about the whole O&A saga

Yeah, someone should defiantly write one cause you know, everyone would be against you in your quest to write it!

Awww shit you got that cocksucka good!

fuck you



you pussies still can't reclaim northern ireland from a country that's smaller than Alabama.

and we're really not that interested in Northern Ireland in the proper UK anyway.


Trust me, you've already been sucked into this place whether you realize it or not.

Just a few short months ago I was a normal functioning member of society. Now I find myself hunched over a keyboard, frantically checking in here lest I miss the latest tranny fucking/waif beating/money stealing drama that's going on.

My skin hasn't seen sunlight for weeks at this point. I'm not sure how much longer I've got...

I hope it isn't much longer buddy.


thank you, sweetie! :)

He deleted everything.

Nice job scaring him off, guys. This is why we can't have nice things.

What are we?

We are New York!

We are New Jersey!

We are Long Island!

We are Connecticut!

We are YOU!!!

A collection of individuals with too much time on our hands

Eat a dick you filthy shitskinned nigger.

You know it's the rotten apples like you that scare away the fresh fish.

Why don't you go and take a very long walk off of a very short pier huh?

fresh fish, fresh fish, fresh fish

PS Knickers - If you picture our lovely community as The Shawshank Redemption, I like to imagine you as the fatso that cries and gets beaten to death by the prison guard on his first night. You're welcome for the compliment :)


Such strong language!

I was simply welcoming the fella with the best hospitality this sub can bring, You are not one of us until someone called you a vile name for no reason other than being an asshole.