I just got a SAMCRO laugh

3  2016-07-17 by Mr702law

I'm at a party and a biker looking guy walked in and in the circle I was standing in I remarked "looks like SAMCRO just rolled in". Got a good laugh. The only reason I know what SAMCRO is is because I googled it after seeing it here as SAMCRO Joe. Thanks sub.


I hope you get pistol whipped and raped tonight.


They were laughing at you, not with you.

I'd wager he is actually alone.

I'll keep you all updated.

I would love to see you crushed on the grill of a truck.

Whoa cool guy

most bikers are faggots and drug addicts .. that party will go from jovial and innocent to surprise forced gang-bang pretty quick.

Most likely you said it in your head, and not out of your mouth.

All of this was in his head.

Zero of my friends would know the SAMCRO reference. Also, zero times in my life I have been in a party where a biker looking guy would have walked in.

Did you really make two threads about what happened to you at a party? You are boring.

Maybe someday you'll leave your house.

Haha you got mad.

No.. Don't care at all about any of this.

Me neither