What are you faggots doing tonight?

5  2016-07-16 by GRIZx

My gf has to work tonight so I'm drinking vodka and Hi-C Ecto cooler and watching ghostbusters 1&2 by myself. What are you shitstains up to?


First I'm going to dinner with bae, then we're heading out for a fun night of clubbing downtown with a bunch of friends in town. Its been a crazy weekend haha.

jk i'm going to drink myself to death in my apartment while browsing the internet

Can I come?

Stroke faster

praying for my death.


Sitting at my kitchen table listening to the Black Philip show sipping on an Old Overhalt Rye Sazerac while my kid is playing with legos and my pregnant wife is upstairs laying in bed pregnant with morning sickness. Basically living out the movie Groundhog Day except the damage I do to my liver marches on day after day as my consciousness feels like it is in stasis.

My buddy was shitfaced and insisted that Old Overholt was called "Reginus Patoff" because of " Reg in U.S. Pat Off" on the label. Also, I'm a faggot.

Black phillip during night time is comfy as fuck

Any Patrice audio in general is.

Working till 8, then going home to fuck my fat wife.



I am going to play Hearts of Iron 4, conquer America, and build a concentration camp in Crown Heights.

I'm playing Crusader Kings 2. Holy war on France with my Tunisian caliph, Antwan Kumiya.

What is so great about Paradox games is you can go into the files really easily with basic tools (fucking notepad+), and actually change the Caliphs name to Antwan Kummiyya,slipping his photo in is easy too. PDX is easy on the modders.

gonna walk around the times square area with a huge dslr and photograph the locals in their natural habitats.

You mean people playing Pokemon go

I'm just laying around jacking it

Dude, come on.. we're better than that. It's lying around and jacking it.

He's not loying.

Painful bowel movements

I pray for your anus

Thank you, ill think of you

Making flashcards and listening to Patrice appearance #51, Tiger Taint.

Is there a Patrice playlist on YT?

Yes. Its incomplete though. Two or three of the videos got hit by copyright. There's a torrent floating around that has all of them.

I was supposed to go to modesto and watch my friends band play but I'm chilling at home instead sipping bourbon and waiting on acid man to come through

209? Stockton? Me too. Also, whos your acid connect?


Me and you would be best friends, two of my favorite things in life


Sitting at home with the wife, basically like every other day.

Work then alcohol poisoning. 151 is being discontinued so I think I'll just have a fifth of that tonight

Im at a evangelical faith healing conference, not kidding, as I type.

Why, do you believe me in that garbage?

No, here for another reason. They're good people though. I kind of feel bad for them for their hope in this.

You're a better person than I am...

I know

Really Big Crummy

Really Big Crummy

Really Big Crummy

I'm breaking out the Super Nintendo, niggas.

Whatcha playin'?

If I wasn't alone I'd play some Zombies Ate My Neighbors, but as it is, I think I'm going to get up inside some Kirby Superstar.

Zombies ate my neighbors is fucking awesome, I've been playing Earthbound for the past week because I just got a few 8bitdo Bluetooth controllers. EDIT: you should buy these jawns, they are awesome for both Mac/pc and wii.

I'll seriously look into getting one of them jawns, you filthy cheesesteak lover.


How are you feeling earthbound? I just cant get into it. My friend asked me to buy it so we would play through it together and I just hate it. So far its just weird to be weird.

Did you guys see the new NES coming out later this year? 60$ for an emulation box. Still might be worth picking up for the nostalgia.

My cousin had it, I remember as a kid beating the Sharks and frank... If you never played the game you wont have the nostalgia like I do. It's the precursor to Pokemon.

EDIT: it's like comparing Hunter s Thompsons "Fear and loathing" to "the rum diary"

Eating poutine then then probably throwing it up.

Canadian faggot

I'm not Canadian you jagoff. My boss was there and brought me back shit to make poutine.

American faggot.

I can deal with that.

I'm gonna be watching you watch Ghostbusters.

I'm doing adderall,drinking, smoking pot, and debating daiting this 25 year old chubby girl I went on a date with last night and catching Pokemon.

Drinking alone in my apartment and refusing to go to two different family events. I am a grown man and I can stay home on my day off whenever I want!

You are making the right descision, I used to cater to my shithead family, now I know better

Hear, hear!

Sitting on my patio getting high. I was going to bring my car to this DIY car wash but I don't know if I'm going to.

I did DIY a few days ago. Very satisfying not to have a bunch of hoodlums pawing all over it.

Only way I wash my car. Two bucket method also is a must.

There's one by my house. Do you have to bring any supplies with you?

I'm glad you asked. My local DIY provides a big brush if you want to do it. They do have a drive thru drying system, but I would recommend bringing your own shammies for spot-drying.

apartment hunting and getting ready for fall semester while the divorce is finalized!

up for days ...must take more drugs to last the night ... cant go to sleep until Kaitlin comes home from work ... she's in for the sweatiest, most limp dick'd raping of this relationship ... then we probably chill w a bottle of pinot

Well, how was it?

Good herb and ORIGINAL red dawn. Teehee

Listening to old opie and anthony vids on youtube to find more ways to hate gregg


I'm watching Shark Tank. Can anyone explain why these fucks are so obsessed with bringing manufacturing back to America?

I can perhaps help with that. Basically with the advent of offshore mass manufacturing as a means for the companies to improve profits and reduce costs, some of the consumers think (and sometimes rightfully so) that there's a drop in quality when the goods get in their hands.

In all likelihood this is just a simple problem that could be solved at the plants abroad with proper QA systems put in place and a boost in the quality of materials, if that's even necessary. However, some people obsessed with the America of yesteryear think that the only solution is to bring back production to the homeland.

That has its upsides and downsides.

The most common downside being a substantial increase of cost of production which then translates into a higher ticket price for the consumer. From the POV of a person with this kind of mentality, it is also an opportunity to show their patriotism and that they want those menial jobs to be available to local people and not some kid in India with a diet of battery acid and stale bread.

There's something to be said for American craftsmanship, but I think most of the time the increase in price for both the companies and consumers is not worth it save a few kinds of items.

On the show they seem more concerned about getting manufacturing jobs back to America. That's what i'm not getting. Who wants to work for minimum wage making plastic dog shit?

I think that has everything to do with the "America of yesteryear" part of my previous comment.

I'm assuming you're talking about the people who bring projects to the show, not necessarily the sharks themselves (and please correct me if I'm wrong on that.)

If you think about it a lot of their parents probably had those kinds of menial jobs so it's a way to honor their parents, their country and (in their minds at least) up the quality of the end product.

Even famous brands usually associated with Americana like LL Bean (including their famous and beloved warranty policy) know this is bullshit and so now they produce their products offshore. Does that answer your question friend?

EDIT: This is a good piece if you want to read more about the subject.


I went shooting. It was fun, even though I'm not great at it.

I was 10 feet away from Brother Wease earlier today. I had absolutely zero no fear of awkwardness in telling him I knew him from O&A and have only heard his Adam Carolla call-in and asking him about his Opie tattoo but he was talking to someone else and after I walked away for a minute and came back he was gone. Extremely dissapointed I missed out on that opportunity.

Were you at turning stone at the tournament he was hosting?

Edging with a gun to my head

Going to work.


Had sex in the shower.

How pathetic am I?

What was his name? linga longuhhh.

His name is Jamie. He's my husband.

Ass-ha, you married a guy with a girl's name.


Well there is a gathering in my town. Fire, boats, music, beer but I think it would be best to just stay home alone reading about Dubya Dubya 2. Annnd visit my favorite subreddit

Staring into the middle distance.

oh, you know. Playing MTG, trying to catch pokemon, not getting laid.

You're a better person than I am...

He's not loying.

Really Big Crummy