Even /r/mma is finding out about our favorite little progeria child

26  2016-07-16 by [deleted]


i was on /mma when i saw this.

i was a massive fan for years and years, daily listener and all that shit, but finally had to tap out and unsub about a year and a half ago. ive followed almost nothing from any of them since.

i just watched both cartoons.

i dont even know what to say right now.

i cannot fucking believe norton made that. literally everything about it is awful. jimmy has said some of the funniest things ive ever heard, it seems impossible that this is still the same person. the attacks in france were funnier than this.

it was patrice, patrice dying killed everything. he was so god damn smart and funny it even kept ants racism in check. without him everything just went off the rails.

EDIT: just watched the amy schumer one again because im fascinated by how fucking bad these are. forget story, its like - and i cant believe im about to say this - its like norton doesnt even know how to write a fucking joke anymore. things like amy telling chip to shove the candelabra up kennys ass are a disaster from a writing stand point. the set-up cant also be the punchline.

she should have pointed at the candelabra and said candle, which kenny agrees to because that might fit, but then have chip misunderstand and shove the whole candelabra.

you have to build, not just repeat the punchline over and over and over again.

norton HAS to know this, what the fuck has opie done, hes like a succubus for comedy.

JohnnyUtah could have done the animation for a fraction of the cost and it would have been a thousand times better


Anthony broke a girl's ribs in a drunken rage and he got all his guns taken away.

considering where things were when i left off, yeah that sounds about right

also anthony has been caught fucking a tranny, so he really is a pissy eyes f word

Also he did the Nice attack

The funniest part about when this happens is that the comments are all people from this sub pretending not to be. Exactly like an Erock is retarded thread.


I don't know what he was thinking with this cartoon. He must regret doing it so much at this point.

especially since Burr is now wrapping up season 2 of his cartoon on kickstarter i mean netflix.

They aren't finding out about this, someone from this sub made the post. Nothing organic about it.

I donated nothing to the chip chipperson show but I am furious I haven't got my perks. I need to keep tweeting at Jim and guests on his podcast demanding to know where they are.

Anthony broke a girl's ribs in a drunken rage and he got all his guns taken away.