So ..noone has Ants perescope vid?

4  2016-07-16 by Lilcumia



I do but it's a screen recorded video from my it's not as cringing as Dani's video


It's already been posted sweetie

I watched some of it and I could just tell you what he said "OH MY GOD EVERYONE HERE IS SO GAY! Like.. EVERYONE. It's so FUCKING GAY here"

Was he tugging his pecker when he said that?

his hands were tied to the swing

Just download periscope nubs..

I can actually post it when I get home. Waiting for the train now, gotta make some. Space on my. Phone and I got you

Use more periods next time.

Sorry, my phone turns me into Christopher Walken when I'm drunk

Stay classy stinks.

does CW catch Pokemon too? I bet his favorite Pokemon is Tangela, fucking nerd.

I think mines meowth

I can't be bothered watching it, Did he mention the antwan thing?

They're still up on periscope you dunderhead.


More accurate to say that no one aside from you cares.

I think mines meowth

Was he tugging his pecker when he said that?