Vape Lord Anthony looking fucking ridiculous as fuck

38  2016-07-16 by GRIZx


He's making such a huge deal about the gay thing. A normal person would just go have some drinks and talk to people. He clearly can't trust himself to behave around all that luscious cock.

Dat nigga gay


Who goes on a gay cruise and then complains that everyone's gay?

It's like that Onion article, "Why Do All These Homos Keep Sucking My Cock?"

a closet fag

I wanna see the boat movie.

I gotta twink on my cock

It's a like a battery operated anal speculum.

That shit was uncomfortable to watch. I wish Anthony would grow a goatee and start using proactive.

anthony using proactive is like trying to restore a totaled car that was blown up with an IED, the damage has already been done

He could at least get some cement to fill in those pot holes.

TACS doesn't have the budget for that much Bondo.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Anthony might be a closet homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Seriously, you don't have to be gay to be on fire island but you also shouldn't be surprised there's gay people there. It's kind of their spot to not be scrutinized by dicks like you closet fag

Let them live their lives and maybe it's time You joined them

It's kind of their spot to not be scrutinized by dicks

Just penetrated.


"HEY EVERYONE!!! I'M NOT GAAAYY!!!" What a closet fag would say.

could explain why he doesnt fall in love with his girlfriends

He acts like he is the most desirable gentleman on a gay cruise, like he has to barricade the door to keep the line of frothed up gay men from breaking it down for the chance to drop a load on his acne scars.

Has someone saved a copy of this?

I'm going to as soon as I get home In like 30

When did Ant pick up vaping?


He's gross.

I vape because its way cheaper then smoking, and really cheap if you mix your own. But i am constantly aware of the douche factor so i try to be discreet about it.

So you skip the douche part to go with caring about what others think, which is pure faggotry.

Well.. You are going to end up with faggotry no matter what you do. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

No. There is nothing wrong with being gay. But being a faggot, is, well, being a faggot. Kind of like Opie.

Ant replaced his alcohol addiction with a vape addition. It's common for addicts to find a new, hopefully less harmful addiction.

However in Anthony's case, he quit drinking, started vaping, then went back to drinking while continuing to vape.

I guess with so many anti-black facts and general xenophobia in his brain made him miss a couple steps here and there.

I vape. I get it. No smoking rules in rehab is fucking cruel - nicotine is a good thing for calming people down.

It could be worse, if he went back to cigarettes - he already had a heart attack - vaping is a lot safer. Not completely safe, but significantly safer - like my mom's oncologist said, it's not the nicotine that kills you, it's the smoke.

I'll close with this - not all of us vapers are douchebags. Yes, they exist. In our community, we call them "vapeholes". The "Check my clouds, brah!" douchenuggets. We hate them too. Have pity on us, we have to deal with them when we go buy our stuff. You haven't lived until some fat dude and raggedy beard and metal shit all over his face in a cheap vaping knock t-shirt sneer at you because you don't have the exact right gear, build and juice. Fuck those guys.

That all sounds terrible.

I'm familiar with the cloud chasers.

I used vaping to quit a 20-something year smoking habit. I was a 1.5 to 2 pack a day smoker, and nothing ever worked to get me to quit. Welbutrin, nicorette, and patches all failed.

So i started with 24 mg e-liquid and stepped my way down to 0 over a couple years. I eventually quit that about a year ago.

Nicotine's a bitch.



This is all an elaborate smokescreen to appease his fan base. He replaced alcohol and xanax with four inch tranny dick and vaping.

What the fuck happened to Anthony? This is awful.

Next Periscope: Rampage.

If I had to pick one word to describe Anthony's "look how gay I'm not" tour, it would be "convincing".

Once again, Ant's drawn out and dramatic hyping of his "heterosexuality" has only confirmed the opposite.

that first douchey...

Looking like Deniro in Casino with the faggy cigarette holder

Looking like Deniro in Casino if that extra metal sheet didn't shield him from the car bombing.

He's walkin around like John Barrymore

"Ant is broadcasting from the bathroom Chazz Palminteri sent him to so the kid could shoot dice"

holy fuck that comment made me laugh really hard.

Is that illegal where he is? Certainly hope the Judge in the Cumia case doesn't see this sort of behaviour.

You mean meth might violate his plea deal?


Someone downloaded this before he takes it down




"Here I am in this little room. I'm in this little room. And there's nothing to do! I don't want to suck cock! If I was gay, this would be GREAT" -Felon Cumia, Diary from Prison entry #5132

Can someone please give some context to this?

He is one sad lonely old man.

Dr. Zachary Smith looking motherfucker

This all seems very calculated and weird. What the fuck is he doing? It's like he really thinks he can still squash "rumors" of him banging trannies. Just admit it, faggot. It doesn't make you gay.

here is what happened ... antwan is a faggot in denial. He's on his annual gay cruise when suddenly he's tapped on the shoulder by someone who recognizes him from the recent European press (or O&A)... antwan not wanting to be outed as not only non-white but also gay; he quickly heads below deck to record this video to get out in front of the "gay cruise" scandal ... typical terroist/ fag behavior

It was building up how funny it was that all the comments were negative and then when he said there was nothing to do here and "get drunk" popped up I did a chip laugh and cracked up extremely hard.

Lifetime Long Island resident SHOCKED that there are gay men on Fire fucking Island, a famously gay retreat since the 1970s.

He's so straight he has nothing to do now! He can't talk to the gay men! He's really so, so straight! It's sad otherwise this Gay Mecca would be a paradise for him!!!1!

He would look so much cooler if he was smoking and dying

FYI The amount of people using ecigs to quit smoking vs the small amount of douchebag friends you guys have that vape to look cool is huge.

This is also a 17 billion industry that will save more lives than antibiotics while putting a serious dent in evil tobacco companies pockets. An industry that is being taken down and destroyed by the tobacco companies. And the douchebag mentality you guys perpetuates helps them more than anything.

what irony level is this

How hard is it to type with a cock in your mouth? Doesn't your bull get mad you aren't working the shaft?

could explain why he doesnt fall in love with his girlfriends