
229  2016-07-15 by [deleted]



Just wait until we get the Yemen studio up and running.


I love these inside jokes. New people to the sub must think we're lunatics who never make any sense and yet still get upvoted. Well, they'd be right about the lunatics part, but these jokes do make sense and are brilliant if you know what they're referencing.

not after you've given it away as an inside joke. way to go, stupid

It's fine, we'd like to think there's new people coming here, but I have a feeling nobody but us, already in the know, gives a shit.

Jesus dude, shut the fuck up

Don't talk to Jesus like that. Or somethin

Just one miscue after another

Would you call it a Comedy of Errors?

Thats a wonderful way of putting it

"I love these inside jokes. New people to the sub must think we're lunatics who never make any sense and yet still get upvoted...but these jokes do make sense and are brilliant if you know what they're referencing."

It's like you had a stroke right before typing this. Except, your brain was not soaked with blood...rather, large amounts of semen filled your skull...and spilled out onto the pages of this post.

As i said in another thread, you need to know 20 years worth of history to understand this sub.

It takes a giant wealth of knowledge to know all the jokes and references in this group, that means precisely dick in the real word.

Yes, I feel like I have all this useless, intricate information taking up space in my brain that could have been otherwise filled with something practical. What a waste.

It's not a waste. I'm laughing my balls off today at something only 14k people understand.

I can't believe antwan wasn't stopped earlier

the authorities should have intervened back when he bombed at the roast

Or when he and Tits dropped those bras from a derrigible.

"Westerners are not people." - Muqtada al-Kumiyya

Who would have thought a member of ISIS would like guinness.

Just before they attack they can indulge

Just a taste.

Man is grate but Allahu is Akbar.

Deserved more 👏🏾

All I need is a little taste.

Please God, for the two people that still listen to his show, when you call in say Asalamualaykum to Antwan. He is indeed a true shaheed.


what are you an expert? somebody run a check on this guy


I wish it said Antwan Kumiya Show.

It should

the backdrop is some inspired work

You know how hard it is to get webcasting equipment into Syria???!!



It doesn't matter how many followers the account had. It was a faggy thing to do. Just because you aren't particularly funny or creative doesn't give you license to lift others peoples shit.


Especially considering you make almost every hilarious photoshop from this sub

Because direct image links are great and links to faggy tweets aren't, stop crying already.

Neither of you are real members of this sub. You're both karmawhore faggots that from jump sub to sub for internet points. Go create something yourself then come back to me with an informed opinion.

I've been subscribed for like a year you witless turd.

You barely post here you fucking shitlord. No one cares if you are subscribed, that doesn't make you part of the sub.

You're an idiot trying to cover your embarrassment over crying about something so pathetic. You're not some special member because you edited a photo, it wasn't even particularly funny you deluded boob.

Considering how much it was upvoted you're clearly wrong about it not being funny you moronic faggot. And I'm hardly embarrassed, I'm obviously annoyed by some piece of shit like yourself who can't post anything good themselves having to resort taking other peoples shit because they're a boring retard with nothing worthwhile to offer.

*If anyone is embarrassed it's the loser that deleted the post for being called out on their faggotry. Still left the post up long enough to collect on his precious internet points which is clearly all the shithead cared about.

I didn't take your shit. I wouldn't fucking want to, it's not something worth taking credit for. You're being a hysterical hole on literally the most inappropriate place to be one of those, shut up.

(and good job slating someone else for caring about internet points when you start your comment bragging about your internet points, loser)

If I cared about internet points I would have posted it here not on twitter you imbecile. Way to completely misinterpret what I was saying. Clearly you're a butthurt faggot because you saying something isn't funny when 230 upvotes prove you're wrong. Now run off to one of your other subs you multi account using fuckwit.

I use one account, I'm not the guy, I'm just a passing third party who felt like pointing out what a cunt you are. Please make more psychic proclamations about me, because every one has been wrong so far, you're hilariously fucking bad at this.

(I also proper lol'd at "230 upvotes"; I have stuff with thousands and I know THAT is nothing at all on here, you actually thinking your 230 means something is adorable)

This sub doesn't have thousands of regular users it was one of the highest upvoted posts in months. Once again proving what a clueless sack of shit you are. It's also a weird coincidence how the only loser that came to stick up for the faggot clearly in the wrong is some other multi sub using jerkoff with similar post histories.

You're making a complete dipshit of yourself.

...you're aware browsing more than one sub is like the point of reddit, right? I guess not.

"You both use more than one sub, you must be the same person!!!" - you, being a shitty e-detective and looking silly, just then.

I guess the overlap of subreddits you both use is silly too. You just look like a real shitcunt for white knighting a scummy douchebag. If both accounts are yours then you are a pathetic loser . If not you're simply a cunty faggot inserting yourself into drama you had no business being a part of. OP had the sense to delete the post because they recognize what they did was shitty. Only making you look like an even bigger asshole than you already are.

What can I say, I find your outrage to be pathetic. He linked directly to the image because it's easier to look at while browsing. You went into conniptions thinking someone wanted to steal credit for your mediocre meme and haven't stfu since. I'm becoming as bad as you for indulging this so long, if you just kill yourself this can all be over.

And I find your investment in something that had zero to do with you to be even more pathetic. The guy that got outed for being a douche cared less about this than you did. Which makes you the biggest faggot in this whole situation.

Clearly you're one of those losers that think their shit doesn't stink so you keep replying despite increasingly making a complete fool of yourself. It's probably time to just ignore you because if telling me to kill myself is the best you got, I'm obviously dealing with some half a tard 12 year old call of duty player.

Then ignore me, please.

Go away faggot. You lost. It's getting embarrassing to watch your autism not allow someone else to have the last word when it's in your best interest to do so.

What did I lose. Literally none of your guesses about me have been right, you tried to play points mean prizes and got soundly beaten by someone who gives zero shits about karma, you accused some poor schmuck of stealing your shit meme just for posting it...and I've laughed at you throughout our entire sad exchange. I genuinely can't think how you could have gotten all this any more wrong than you did. But I'm sure you're about to demonstrate.

You haven't laughed at me at all. You've pretty much made a total fool of yourself for trying to be in the middle of someone else business. The person was wrong they admitted it and deleted all evidence of what they did. It was actually a good meme so unless you are completely retarded there is a post full of replies that contradict your stupid opinion. Then you say you give zero shits about karma but brag about posting something with thousands of upvotes despite it being irrelevant to anything I was saying.

Yeah you did real well for yourself. Like I said OP gave less of a fuck than you. That's why you look like a whiny bitch trying to save face after getting humiliated. The fact you're still replying proves you didn't get the best of me and you are still trying somehow win.

Literally the only reason I mention karma is because youre so proud of your shitty 200 odd upvoted crap I know it burns you I can get more in my sleep without giving a fuck. I have been right over you on every point and you're still here trying to get one up on me, telling me I'm not a real member and other such pathetic nonsense that betrays how seriously you take all this. The internet must be so important to you, so sorry that guy posted your meme without full and official accreditation...I can't imagine how traumatic that was for you.

You're a delusional moron if you think you think that you've been over on me in any point. You still think that number of points the post got was the point I was making. Shit like refusing to acknowledge that 200+ upvotes makes you saying it was a shitty/unfunny meme makes you an incredulous faggot. And the reason why your autism brain can't comprehend your loss.

And you aren't a member of the sub. No one knows you.

I'd be fucking embarrassed if they did. Who'd be proud of being a recognisable member of an online group that celebrates a defunct obscure radio show? What the fuck is wrong with you and your aspirations in life?

I win, you lose.

Neither of us are winners. This is shameful and pathetic. At least one of us has the self awareness to recognise it.

I win, you lose.

Yeah sport good job trying to put the troll hat on, everyone already saw your genuine emotion about this.

I win, you lose.

Who's autistic?

I win, you lose.

How about Quantas, they good?

I win, you lose.

Better men have tried, you'll give up before I ever will.

I win, you lose.

Biggest cunt prize does indeed go to you

I win, you lose.

Arguing with a replybot. Good job ace_of_cage proving correct my assumption that you're an autistic insecure fag.

I know you've been wondering and no, I haven't forgotten about you x

Yeah I bet you haven't look at your post history. Jumping from sub to sub shitposting for attention like a needy bitch.

I would comment on yours, but I'm not sad enough to look. But, unless I'm clearly joking, I post my honest opinions, no desire for attention, unlike someone who would cry because they thought their crap meme was stolen.

Yeah right you post like a shithead kid starved of attention hoping someone will respond. Explains why you spent an hour responding to a replybot saying I win, you lose. You're clearly an aspie faggot.

Omg "replybot" now is it? You're the gift that keeps on giving, I'm starting to think embarrassing yourself is some kind of fetish. Sorry you couldn't find anything worth bringing up in my post history, some of us just aren't mental liars who go apeshit over poorly thought out memes.

You seem mad for having your insecurities exposed. Now you're just parroting things I've said about you because you're panicking.

I win, you lose.

You just pretended to have used a replybot to save face for sitting responding to me because you're terrified you won't get the last word. There is no coming back from that humiliation and it was entirely your own doing. You lost by a fucking own goal, I'm in stitches.

I win, you lose.

Yeah that's probably the safer option, you can't put your foot in it any more if you just pretend to be a bot. But the cringe will stay with you forever!

I win, you lose.

Bet you're wishing you'd stuck to saying that! Really made my night, thank you.

I win, you lose.

Your timing isn't very good there chief. This "bot" is all over the place!

I win, you lose.


I win, you lose.

It shouldn't get funnier and funnier but it does. How long can you keep up the pretence mr bot?

I win, you lose.

Time to block you. I think you have been humiliated enough by your autism you're just getting sad to watch now.

I win, you lose.

fake replybot caught by surprise!

Nice work K1bbler. This made me laugh out loud. I've had my meaningless Photoshop art stolen for fake internet points too. Fuckin vultures

No wonder Trant was so against the Loose Change guys. He didn't want others to get credit for HIS holy war.

His little dagger on the table.

It's a crysknife.

I figured that he would keep his knife a little closer.

he should keep it between his third and fourth rib

Should he be attacked, his years of training will keep the situation under control


I'm in tears, the expression on his face is perfect


I upvoted almost every comment in this thread. Outstanding job, pekkahs.

Should have photo shopped the alcohol out of it for true authenticity.

You should have removed the alcohol, then this would have been perfect.

If only Sue was in that empty chair



Antwan dindu nuffin


that is brilliant


So much comedy from one great throw away line from CQ.

Going to have to get that Guiness out of there though.



Or when he and Tits dropped those bras from a derrigible.

I win, you lose.

I win, you lose.

Who's autistic?

You just pretended to have used a replybot to save face for sitting responding to me because you're terrified you won't get the last word. There is no coming back from that humiliation and it was entirely your own doing. You lost by a fucking own goal, I'm in stitches.

I win, you lose.

It shouldn't get funnier and funnier but it does. How long can you keep up the pretence mr bot?