We made Le Monde, a major newspaper in France (translation in the comments)

85  2016-07-15 by NihilistKnight


That's what the media gets for getting their tips off the internet and trying to be the first to report it.

all of them are euro trash newspaper tho

Translation: It's possible that you've seen this screen capture from CNN, after the attack perpetrated in Nice on Thursday, the 14th of July. Attention: its fake. This image is a montage, created by by Americans web surfers and spread, in particular, on the anonymous forum 4chan and the community site, Reddit. It is a hoax based on Anthony Cumia, an American radio and television hoast. Cumia has responded: "This IS me silly. A pic from a long time ago. Pretty funny but people believe it." Some media sources have not been yet made aware and retracted the name, notably, the Dutch site Elsevier. As always, be careful of rumors going around social media circles. Reread our tips on how to avoid them and avoid being fooled.

Television host. lol.

XFL Pregame counts!

Here comes the preoh, fucking forget it.... :(

Here comes the pre-op.

Fawk yeah!!


At least they didn't go with "Shock Jock Anthony Cumia"

More like television HOAX...get it

I love that the French have the word "internauts" for web surfers.

Interzeros if they see this place.


That would be Jimmy.

Yeah, I thought it was funny too. I didn't know the word, so I had to look it up. Makes perfect sense though, inter + naut, internet sailor.

The French are snooty faggots about their language and took like ten years to come up with an official French word for "computer". They hate using loanwords.

I always thought that was odd. French is already a fucked-up language like English to begin with. Everything is an exception and pronounced the opposite of how it's spelled. What purity are they protecting?

This seem like the right forum for that sort of discussion

Talking about French with a bunch of faggots? Yeah probably


Been laughing so hard since this broke, my fucking balls are starting to hurt.

That's testicular cancer, but still, it is funny.

Perhaps even funnier

When can I read Le Monde's interview with anatomy about his burgeoning entertainment network? Oh, they were just questioning him about his terrorist connections, okay.

tss why dont they interview biology about their show or sumthin

Haha gonna leave it

Now thousands of Dutch people know, at least for a little while, how we feel, looking at that pockface with revulsion and resentment.

To an everyday, normal person, this article reads like a fever dream. We really are the manifestors of surreal, nonsensical, meta-hate. I love you guys!

we have become death

Why did they mention 4chan? Does he post here?


You guys are hilarious dicks

We always win.

I do not understand why O, A, and J continue to resist/fight us.

That'll do pests... that'll do.

I think it's hilariouss that not only did they lump this sub in with 4chan, but 4chan got first billing.

Haha gonna leave it

all of them are euro trash newspaper tho

Fawk yeah!!