It's not just r/opieandanthony making waves on the internet today

0  2016-07-15 by PassProtect15


as colin quinn once aptly put it : "This world is finished"

You don't enjoy the music stylings of retarded Chris Leben?

I don't think you've seen any recent interviews with Leben

These 35 y/o Proud Boys with terrible skin are KILLING IT for us today

Is this the video that was posted a few days ago and promptly deleted a few hours later? Holy shit, it's even douchier than I imagined.


Yup, the very same.

I was hoping for a similar ending to the video as that fellow really into Bjork.

Shoutout to the r/proudboys downvoting this post. UHURU FAGGOTS

Where's their shrimp?

And white wiiiine?

beaver boys!

This looks and sounds like a parody of Proud Boys. Anyone taking this seriously should have their ribs caved in.

check out the twitter and articles of BrianWrayMedia. if he's bullshitting then it's a long con with no perceivable purpose. he also pulled the video shortly after posting it when he started getting shit on in the comments.

You don't enjoy the music stylings of retarded Chris Leben?