It's happening! Antwan Kumiya makes headlines (in Holland)

271  2016-07-15 by mr__hat


This is the greatest thing yet achieved by this sub.

No you are wrong. This sub doesn't have any influence on anyone's life.

you never know...


Agreed. I'd love to hear O/A/J comment on this.

There was also an enormous thread on 4chan full of O&A fans. Didn't realize there was such a crossover but it makes sense that former pests would be on there.

there are a couple threads a week in /tv/

Unconfirmed reports Antwan's older brother Josep Kumiya runs the racist Islamic Tuscan desert biker gang SANDCRO.

Yūsuf Kumiya

"Ridin' through this crowd... all alone"

This deserved more I'm in tears

Don't forget about his old extremist accomplice Greghir "Opie" Haziughes.

I liked it. It's good.

This sub has ironically made Ant more famous than he could ever do on his own.

i am at work trying to maintain my composure i am in tears .....this is by far the funniest shit i have seen in years

Same here. I couldn't hold it any longer and had to step out for a couple minutes cause it was too much. Definetly one of the funniest shit I've ever seen on the internet.

From the article on BNR (a legitimate Dutch news source):

"Kumiya was bekend bij de politie als vuurwapengevaarlijke crimineel en pleger van huiselijk geweld, maar niet wegens banden met soennitische extremisten."

Translation: "Kumiya was known by the police for being a 'firearm-dangerous' criminal and a perpetrator of domestic violence, but not for connections to Sunnite extremists."


edit: They've since corrected the name (, but the above is exactly what it said before they revised it.

I am literally crying from laughter in the train to Utrecht when I read this. How the hell do I explain this great news to my Dutch friends without sounding like a psychopath?

Yes! There's no one to share this beauty with. One time showed some friends the video of Chip at comic con, and they just thought he was a retard. Because that's what he is. But all the o&a background is what makes it funny. Then I realized I should probably never talk about o&a in real life.

O&a is our little secret , it is like one big inside joke you have to be really fucked up for to get.

Monster rain!

Its amazing that you need to know about 20 years of history to understand why 'PECKAS' is funny.

Yeah don't try, it never works. I once showed someone a clip of Patrice and Ant talking about movies and all I got was: 'this guy is loud and not that funny.' Keeping it out of real life conversation ever since.

It took me a long time to learn this lesson haha. I kept getting blank stares for years

I was in Utrecht last month!

OnA fans are everywhere.

P.S. Can you fix your parking please, it sucks

Nice! The O&A aids virus is still spreading. And parking does sucks balls here.

Neat place though. I need to come back.

Yes its nice little Dutch city, great nightlife!

Holy shit hahahaha

Carlton for MVP at the end of year awards Gala

On the 💵

Algemeen Dagblad got a nigga's... ribs hurtin' today.


How come all those terrorists look like birds?

Are legit news sites actually reporting that Antwan Kumiya is the killer?

Yes. Oh boy.

Algemeen Dagblad (first image) is the second largest newspaper in the Netherlands. It's their #1 story ATM.

I have half of an erection.

Edit: update I'm at full mast pumping hot gooey loads into my naval

I have the other half.

In your mouth.

It is real!!!!!!! Tears streaming down my face.

That is fkin hilarious.

Never figured Ant is huge in Netherlands.

Type in antwan kumiya on google, it's heaven

If you just type antwan, the first suggestion is antwan kamiya

Are we technically jews now?


so do people just send us money now? How does it work?

Somewhere Patrice is laughing really high pitch.

He fell off his chair.

when this asshole wakes up and finds out he made the news I cant I cant ............LMAO thank you reddit I truly love you all

Wishful thinking: Brother Joe calling for Antwan Kumiya's death on Facebook before Anthony wakes up from his bud/xany nightcap.

once anthony slips out of a boy's asshole this morning, he's in for some bad news

I'd say we have about 7-8 hours

It's just Bud Light! Impossible to get drunk off of that! #moderation

Although this is hilarious. Holy fuck are the news pieces of shit.

The fawking media, buncha jizzboi

The Kumiyas are SAVAGES. Also, Ant's subscribers will go up 20% this month as a league of Jihadists will buy in, looking for their next call to action, only to find a decomposing alcoholic ranting about blacks and guns.

Edit: bonus points if they tune in and see drinking, woman beating and shooting guns and decide that western culture isn't so bad, thereby bringing peace in the middle east.

only to find a decomposing alcoholic

Three eyed samcrow.

Dats clevuh

Holy fuck I love this sub. After all these years it still makes me howl on the shittiest of days

This might be the greatest thing that ever happened on Reddit ...


This is amazing. I love you fucks.

I really hope Ant addresses this. Old Anthony would have laughed along.

And people said this sub was dead.

I mean, they were right, but this is pretty funny.

It's as dead as it needs to be. Luckily some of you are masochistic enough to still listen to the shows and you're keeping it afloat.

I'm only seeing the Koran mirror selfie now. Jesus. Dassabedouin.

More screenshots:

I've never been more proud of you savages.


Holy shit, this is priceless.

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

From now on i never want to hear Anthony claiming he is white again :)

I want to explain this to everyone I know but they'll just look at me like I'm retarded.

I said something along these lines yesterday, but the effort that the people of this sub go through to entertain about a dozen people who will get the joke is amazing.

Jesus fuck this is funny

This is NOT funny. This requires a special word that combines "funny" with "astonishment" and "pity"

Ok weirdo

Wanna make mouth babies?

tell me where your terrorist cell is operating from

Waterboard me and ask if I'm Al-Kumiyas courier


Holy shit, Pownews and the Telegraaf too, although they're saying there's 'confusion' about the real name now.

Also, I didn't know other Dutch people were on here

Volkskrant too. They changed the name after a while

(And I've been a Dutch O&A fan since 2007 or so. )

Todd Gack?

Am I on some list now?

Yes, and Megan's Law requires you to inform all your neighbors.

Who's Megan Slaw?

A tahhul tale, dats who!!

A blabbermouth.

that poker table picture of the "crew" would make a good propaganda shot.

here is Kumiya and his cell ............

be dialing people

His terror cell, or T-cell, has been declining rapidly due to illness.

There's two things I hate in this world, people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. Grats on the troll though.

my ribs my throat hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa










Praise Kek


I wish I could share this with someone who would understand how amazing it is.



Using Google Translate (emphasis added): The bomber was 31-year-old Antwan Kumiya from the same city. That report police sources told AFP. In his house search is performed today. Kumiya was a Tunisian with a residence permit in France.

I listen to old school O&A with Patrice and the gang daily and it makes me so depressed to come to this sub lately...

....but this is fucking magnificent, you beautiful bastards.

additionally suspect has a known history of knife fighting in Tunisian alleyways and was last seen robbing tourists at the port of Marseilles.

40+ Google news hits on Antwan Kumiya

I wish Anthony could understand how Goddamn funny this is.

It looks like he made a comment about it on his Twitter but I don't think he knows it was actually picked up by some news sources. It went from a funny meme into an absolute home run.

French newspaper debunking the story:

The great part is that the picture came from twitter and I think they're basing the reddit part off of "alright reddit" in my tweet.

As a Dutch guy I have to say I am extremely proud.

Tsss, you can't pay for everyone you cheap cocksucka?

Godverdomme! Stomme eikels!

Idd klootzakken.

Ribs hurtin'.


And some folks are still buying it. Check out

Damn, the one holding up the pic of him with the Qu'ran would have made this legendary.

No way people would have fallen for that though.


French just released another name. THIS IS A FALSE FLAG.

The bomber was 31-year-old Antwan Kumiya from the same city. That report police sources told AFP. In his house search is performed today. Kumiya was a Tunisian with a residence permit in France.

it's gone now. Screen shots is what is left

A guy in an older thread wondered why the pic said 31 years old. I wanted to say to increase the chance someone might believe it, but I was afraid of scary downvotes because it was just a shitty pipedream.

But miracles do happen.

So, do you think this will come up during Ant's next court appearance? Are they gonna give him back his guns if he cant be trusted with a truck?

He could just say he was drunk driving and not beating up women, in order to save face.

Hey brother can you make archive snapshot before they take it down

So.... anyone tweet this to him?

We've all long since been exiled to Block Island, sir.

Your welcome to tweet him and join us.. Bring beer

I'm already there, sweetie, have been since the night he thought he could get this sub shut down. Good times....

Although I do have another account I made for something else that I barely use....


Please. Please be real.

I see what you did there

Ants girlfreind made the front page in Sydney...too much?

Holy shit is that funny, lmao good work whoever got the ball rolling on this hahaha

I didn't even realize what his name was until now. I looked at his picture earlier and thought "wow, that's Anthony".

It hard to put into words how funny this is....and it's equally sad I can't tell a single person in my life about it.

You guys really are ball busting geniuses.

Well it's as we all suspected. Anthony Cumia's Dad was Tunisian.

Bravo! You guys are the shit!

I just tried explaining how amazing this is to my wife, and she doesn't understand... :(

This sub is funnier than O & J and TACS combined.

I fucking love this sub so much.

We also can take credit for Piggy Girl's reputation as a joke thief, this place is unstoppable.



Antwan made it on a Bulgarian news site too. A bulgarian person posted the screenshot on /pol/ claiming to stumble upon it on the newsite by accident, so the misinformation spread there too.

one of the great things about the internet is, there is really no "EDIT" button. Once something is out there, thats it. This will never go away. It may never again be topical, but it will always be there to pop up on search results and GIS.


Over 440 hits so far. Good work, people. Impressive.

Has there been any connection found with this gentleman, also known for plowing through crowds?

Man as a dutch person you can not believe how hard i laughed when i saw that today, godverdomme grappig

...just when this sub was getting boring.


Fantastic job to everyone involved

At least it wasn't Samhamed Hydeyaan this time.

God damn. This is magical.

Is this Journalism today? Fuck.

I Love you guys!

only to find a decomposing alcoholic

Three eyed samcrow.

Idd klootzakken.