What do you guys think of the new Jim Jefferies special?

4  2016-07-15 by [deleted]

I thought it was pretty good. He wore a black leather jacket and said cunt a bunch of times, so I was satisfied.


didnt like it as much as the previous three ... good not great

Yeah, I watched about half and lost interest.


It was not without it's moments for sure but I felt it was kind of pandery at times.

It's so bad I didn't even watch it

Was decent, a little slow at points, and probably 10 minutes too long. Still worth a watch.

I saw it on youtube a couple days ago, i dont like this thing where comedians are just lecturing the audience about politics and social issues. It wasnt just that i disagreed with his political shit, I just didnt think he brought up anything unique or new.

I thought his last special where he went on his anti-gun rant was at least fair and sort of an interesting perspective on things, and at one point he even said its stupid that people in the crowd were getting mad at him cause hes just saying what he thinks and making jokes and not to take a comedy show so seriously. But this special seemed much more condescending "what are you silly americans doing?!"

Yeah, like everyone else said, that was probably the worst part.

I liked his Cosby stuff though. That's the best though, just jokin and

It was fantastic, it's sad that Jim Norton doesn't watch other comedians because he would have felt like an underachieving piece of shit if he watched Freedumb.

I liked it, but he got a little sentimental in the final third of it, like he was trying to be a little deep. Not sure that kind of material fits him. He's quite funny though.

Not his best but I still enjoyed it. It was a bit pandery for sure, but I agree with him on most things so it's not painful for me.

he had so much makeup on that i felt uncomfortable looking at him.

probably his worst special

It was good. He's funny.

There were a lot of laughs. Although the one thing that surprised me was his anti-Trump stance. Jim Jefferies is usually one to see through bullshit, so it was weird seeing him use what are basically retard arguments to bash him. Still, it was a good show.

Yea what a shocker that Jim would hate the chosen candidate of dumb jocks, fat people, and conservative Christians. Hate to break it you friend, but if you're voting for either of these two candidates, you're probably not the brightest bulb.

How does it feel to be a part of the problem?