alright reddit it's time to expose the #Nice shooter. #PrayForNice

98  2016-07-15 by cbanks420lol


I want to personally thank everyone involved in this. I don't say this nearly enough, but I love you all dearly. You're my greatest friends.

Saddest thing I've ever read

A giant hug for you, my best friend of all!

this sub is a godsend. and so are you andy cumia

I would be so happy if we somehow managed to meme magic Anthony's crater face onto international news sites.

I wanna see one of these CNN drones recap the events of the past year in a damning tone. "He was reportedly arrested for domestic battery and was found stockpiling weapons."

Ant would love an ISIS lifestyle - intolerance, plenty of teenage brides, and unlimited access to heavy weapons! He should look into it.

Now that you sell it that way, maybe they're not such bad guys after all.

Don't forget like the good Muslim he is he also doesn't drinks.

doesn't drinks.

if that description was accurate, i'd sign up right now, because you'd have to be a faggot not to love it. you forgot to mention the decaying flesh, the bowel-releasing vibration of explosives, the constant fucking praying, etc.

Great picture.

One problem with the the headline though, Anthony hasn't seen 31 in about 40 years.

Antwan Kumiya has been using Compound Media to communicate with his cell for 2 years now. Word has it that a man by the name of Keith is the man on the inside at the police force, collecting and gathering an arsenal of weapons.

The cell also contained a mentally handicaped man with the code name "Bobo". Kumiya and his fellow extremist almost brainwashed the simpleton into commiting a suicide bombing on the French ambassador. Fortunately "Bobo" didn't had enough change for the bus ride to the ambassedy and he could be apprehended by the police.

Credit goes to @RoosterMcdoogle for the picture, not sure what his name on here is.

the guy who's claiming he made it is youaintgottoliecraig

what do we do? let us know leader. this is a cause i can get behind. let's make it happen.

I bet he's freaking out right about now


He's a Nice Driver, not a shooter. Fucked this one up cb. It happens.

Don't ever tell me how to live my life again.

He shot as well while he was driving. He also had grenades with him but didn't use them. Woulda been the perfect time in a crowded area like that. He got a shitload of kills with his truck, kind of impressive, really.

He's a Not So Nice Driver


Gavin reposted it