Joseph Cumia calls a 13 year old a "cuckold" and a "future transgender".

32  2016-07-15 by IHateSherrod


"future transgender"

Future compound invite recipient.

ME: There it is-theres the joke.

Yeah don't hurt yourself Ope

six months

Anyone who uses libtard as a part of their vocabulary should be immediately ignored and never listened to again. Same goes for liberals who use something similar to describe conservatives.

I really want to punch anyone who says sheeple.

Great, now I'm off to punch myself.

Seems like "someone" is watching this sub because poof it's gone off his page

Thanks for grabbing the screen shot

triggered by a 13 year old , Samcro is way too sensitive.

He's arguing with a kid.

Fuck that little faggot, and fuck Joe Cumia too.

Because if there's one thing ISIS loves, it's transgenders. Brother Joe Logic 101. Don't get me wrong, this kid is a fag, but he could suck every black dick from here to Africa, and he'd still be straighter than Joe.

He'd also be whiter and more American than Joe

Actually the middle east has among the highest rates of transgender surgeries. They are so backwards that they dont like it if youre gay, but you can get surgery and everything is ok

Joe really is a despicable human being. The fact that he thinks anyone cares about his take is enraging. He cant argue a point without sounding like a deadbeat, small mined...oh wait.

Why are the Cumias so angry all the time? I don't get it.

Childhood physical, emotional, and sexual abuse

I fucked them all in their shit boxes.

And all of it from Daddy Cumia, often all at the same time when taking showers together

They sucked my cock.

Thats the bit!

Jk they're authentic tranny loving curmudgeons

more like cumdungeons

I don't get it but it must be exhausting.

I know it was posted yesterday. But I thought it needed to be seen again.


Be a narc and flag him on Facebook for whatever that faggot site does for hate speech.


That would be a shame, he loves his Facebook.


Go on....

He puts way too much emotion into this. Its just a stupid kid.

To be fair, I hate that video. Slam poetry sucks. And the kid isn't even saying anything insightful or unique, he's just rattling off your standard white guilt rhetoric.

And the kid isn't even saying anything insightful or unique, he's just rattling off your standard white guilt rhetoric.

Yeah but who gives a shit in 8th grade as long as you pass the dumb assignment. When you had to do a science project all you hoped was that it was better than a cup of dirt. It's what his shitty teachers want to hear and it's probably how his dumb classmates think. "Insightful + unique" in middle school probably just lands you in shunned weirdo territory.

I totally agree. The difference is that this video went viral and everyone's talking about how deep and smart this kid is.

It would be like if some bullshit book report you wrote in 8th grade randomly made the NY Times bestseller list.

True, it's pretty gross. I guess I'm kinda used to that type of thing happening constantly now. Joe could have focused his insults on just the news, but I guess I should be used to him being an out of touch decrepit dipshit by now too.

You're expecting nuance from Joe "My brother used to be kind of famous" Cumia?

Joe Cumia is an even bigger faggot than his faggot brother.

To be fair, that kid is a pink-shoed, squirrel-looking faggot fuck and I hope he dies before he sets foot on the campus of Oberlin.

There's either a mass shooting or an ATF raid somewhere in Blowjoe's future.

Every post he makes amazes me because I cannot fathom he thinks he is actually smart and his "takes" are brilliant and revolutionary. It's bordering on a character at this point.

So I guess Samcro has been having too many gigs scheduled lately

What a crusty old man.

Shouldn't Joe go on a list for this kind of talk?

Joe found /pol/. This is more evolved than his normal wp 2000s rhetoric

of course the gutless coward takes it down... doesnt have the conviction to stand by this shit

Can't he use his time to skim the classifieds in the newspaper instead of posting this shit? Gotta know Ants network is gonna go belly up within the next year

I never thought I would get tired of the word "cuck". Only Moolie Joe can give me douchechills when I hear that now.

I hope he fucks Joe's daughter.

Not even people on this subreddit pick or 13 year olds

Someone approaching 60, calls a 13 year-old a libtard, what a douche.

I don't understand Joe's chains, so he's a cuckold and a potential ISIS operative and also transgender?

A future transgender? Better keep him away from your brother, Joe!

Cuckold? So I guess this kid needs his dad's sloppy seconds. A Buzz of his own.

A broken clock is correct twice a day

The Kumyias are literal scum.

Joe sucks

I enjoy a good tooling of Joe, but he's not wrong.

listen, i know we hate these people, but do we have to hate everything they do? even a broken clock is right twice a day, and i agree with samcro here. white privilege poem? kill me now

how about he just calls the kid a faggot to himself instead of online where an army of people hate him?

could it be because you guys keep giving him all this attention? the guy is an average middle-aged douche whose brother is famous (to us).

Such a faggot, dick.

Such a faggot, dick.

Such a faggot, dick.

If you meant to type suck instead of such, go ahead and whip it out big daddy ;)

Otherwise, I hope a fucking anvil falls on your baby one day you fucking piece of shit faggot get aids and die i hope there's a tumor pressing on your lungs you nigger


you are the biggest fucking loser on this board. your life is a great big waste, and you're pissing it away for nothing. before you know it, it will all be gone. what are you doing?

Posting on my phone from work while you sit at home collecting welfare.

slow day at wendy's?

Shut the fuck up, Bob.

you know what dude... come here and say that

You got it, downloading Grinder as I type, buddy!!

that makes no sense

Even a broken clock is right. This kid is a little cuck thanks to his parents.

I hate that kid.

So? Who are you, an Entertainment Tonight reporter?

This place has gotten really liberal. I hate Joe like everyone else, but this kid is a cuck.

He's a kid. Most of us were shameless faggots at that age, you included.

Sure, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize them.

How about you just stop piling on some random white kid and calling him names. We should focus our hate on black youths since they are the real problem.


We all THINK that the kid is a fag but we don't go on facebook rants because of it. And also, we aren't SAMCRO Joe.

I agree with that. Just thought some here were throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Hes right on this one. His mom has screwed up all future relationships he will have and gutted his self esteem

Ill side with joe over a fag in training and his activist crypto-dyke mom anyday.

What's up Joe?

Lol damn

lol if youve seen the video theres no way you dont think the kid is a huge faggot. in his poem he says "dear white boys, its time to act like a woman! time to be strong make a difference!"

dont let your feelings toward joe sway you from reality.

The reality an 8th grader is saying some stupid and inconsequential shit? Or the reality a 65-year old man is taking said 8th grader to task for it

It's a comment on a viral video....and idk if youve seen it, but the kid does deserve to get shit on.

Joe can never be right. We won't allow it.

lol when the alternative is a kid doing a "poetry slam" about white privilege there has to be some kind of middle ground, come on, if you saw that video before you saw Joe's facebook update would you really think "yeah...that kid's right"?

I totally agree. The difference is that this video went viral and everyone's talking about how deep and smart this kid is.

It would be like if some bullshit book report you wrote in 8th grade randomly made the NY Times bestseller list.

Shut the fuck up, Bob.

How about you just stop piling on some random white kid and calling him names. We should focus our hate on black youths since they are the real problem.


slow day at wendy's?