A picture is worth 1000 lbs

4  2016-07-15 by SteveTech74


1st place and runner up in a pedophile looking contest.

Pedophile and victim 50 year anniversary meet n greet.

One of these people will be remembered fondly after they die.

It's not Jim Norton.

Wonder who's tcell count is higher

Honestly will Jim be remembered at all?

Maybe, maybe not. Expect a lot of rapey stories to come out about Louie after he dies though people might not care as much because he did it to men/boys and not women like Cosby.

Is that based on anything substantial or are you just being a silly billy?

well known in comedy circles

Only because of baskets. I didn't even like him until he did that show. Always thought of him as that faggot dude from family fued oh yeah and I liked the cartoon

The hugely popular cartoon and his noteworthy run on that popular gameshow as well as his standup. His one season on Baskets is better than Jimmy's accumulated acting career.

I guarantee you few people in this sub have seen a Steve Martin set, but he will go down in comedy history as a legend and according to many in this sub he's "that guy from Pink Panther." You hear Louis Anderson's voice and delivery and you can call it from across a crowded room. Jim Norton doesn't even have that. And I say this as a fan of Jimmy.

Are you kidding? I live in MN and Louie Anderson is HUGE (no pun intended) out here. I took my mom and dad to see him last year and he killed. Did 2 hours on stage and was awesome. Poor guy couldn't stand after 10 minutes though. I'll be bummed when he dies. Seems like the nicest dude

And pretty soon I'll be on the fries, and that's when the big bucks starts rollin in

Just two years eh?

"My retsrded brother got to meet jim Norton.. He smiled all the way home" oh yeah, that's been done

Man, I hoped that was going to be a picture of Fez.

louis anderson is a spitting image of my lesbian aunt

Have you seen Baskets? He plays a woman and is the best thing in the show.

this looks like a before and after pic for a hair product that has awful side effects

mother and child. beautiful.

Who do u think has taken more cock

Louis is way out of Little Jimmy's league.

Two fruits

All jokes aside, Louie was the best thing about the show Baskets. It was pretty lackluster overall, but I kept watching just to see Louie. They should scrap the show concept and make him the star.

awwww that mumbling homosexual fatboy

commmedddy through trrraaagggedy

Jimmy has a hunchback or backwards boobs.

On a serious note, how the fuck is LOuie Anderson still around? He tried ripping off Howie Mandell's shitty cartoon 20 years ago. Whoopty do.